A Danger Among Us

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Danger Force POV:
Ray and the kids were getting ready to go to Dingoland in costumes while the helper monkey was acting weird. Ray planned to use crutches to get past the park line first while Bose was starting to get more dating messages.Keres was watching and saw the girl and thought how they are so cute but they didn't see my face cause of my costumes.Miles had a vision of the Danger Force fighting Drex and the birth of Cyborg Rick Twitler.
Miles tells the others that Rick Twitler is there while Ray breaks his crutch and others angry that they'll not be able to go to DingoLand.Miles looks at Keres and goes to Ray and say's."Can I tell Keres about Drex."Ray shook his head no but Miles didn't care.Miles mentions that Rick isn't only in the nest, but he's in one of them. Schwoz appears and they decide to take blood samples to determine who Rick is inside, however, it turns out that the syringe needle is huge and everyone, except Chapa and Keres, are scared and run away. Chapa activated the blocking system for Chapa, Keres, and Ray to find the others.
After doing the blood test on Chapa and Keres, they decide to accompany Ray to look for the others.They went through various rooms in the Nest.The first had a sword in the stone and Ray tried it, but Chapa did it first Keres didn't want to try but she clapped for Chapa then they left.They went to the sushi room and later to a clone of Schwoz at a party then we leave.The next one had 4 clones of the kids and Chapa wanted to know why there were clones of them and not of Keres and Ray had to evade the questions.They ran into the helper monkey, but he didn't know where the kids were.Ray didn't let Keres come anymore in a room.Ray taunted Drex in a baby voice. Chapa remembers that Miles takes a hot bath in a bathroom until 10 pm, so they could catch him there. Ray mentions that it is only 9:50 and he wonders what they could do in those 10 minutes.
Chapa finds Miles in the bathroom. Ray see's Brainstorm on a date and then they meet Mika, who's trying to read a book.Schwoz performs the tests, and reveals that none of them are possessed by Rick, then everyone begins to suspect Ray, who also can't be tested due to his ability. Ray's levitated by Bose, but everyone discovers that the Helper Monkey had Rick Twitler's clothes, which meant that the monkey's possessed by Rick. Ray and the kids start looking for the monkey.The Danger Force enters the cell room, but they see that Drex is no longer locked up, which made everyone but Keres scream she was confused why he was here.Ray and Drex were about to have a fight, but Drex managed to trick Ray into locking him in his cell.Then grabbed Keres. "Are you ok sunset did they hurt you.''Drex said, going to Keres level with his hand on her face.''Ya I am fine Drexxy these are my friends and teammates. "He gets up and looks at Danger force."What did you do to her."hHe walks close to them and Keres tries to stop him put fails.He chase them.Drex started chasing everyone between the gates, but the Danger Force was very cunning and managed to get Drex a few hits with Keres no the side.
Ray's POV:
Chest Monster tells Ray that the helper monkey plans to put Twitler's consciousness into the body of a cyborg and that Twitler released Drex as a distraction, but Ray believed it was absurd until it was true and Rick's consciousness finally had a cyborg body and became Cyborg Rick Twitler. Cyborg Rick Twitler taunted Ray and then escaped to start his revenge. Ray managed to escape thanks to the helper monkey, who returned to normal, and helped the kids to knock out Drex. Cyborg Rick Twitler, suddenly greets them from a video call and tells them to enjoy their trip into space and that he's sorry that Keres got stuck in this while he stays to contact some old friends, Schwoz appears and suddenly the whole nest shakes.The nest take off and reaches space, leaving the Danger Force stranded in space.
On a satellite of the KLVY channel dotted with something purple and then the virus images appear saying I Am Virus.

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