2 Years Later

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Keres PoV:

After 2 years alout happened the media excepted me as a side kick even known about my past but at age 16 Captian man retired.

Then a few moments later they went to a speech that Caption Man had for his retirement and reveled he finally got his statue and how happy her was.

But after that he said that he was proud of us.

Rays last words to the media was.

 "These kids showed up over 2 years ago to me and they have given themselves a new name Danger Force.That was when Kid Danger passed away his sister was going to college in Florida. But I will say Kid danger isn't dead his name is Henry, but he won't be coming here only for visits but Him and his friends went to a neighboring town to fight crime there, with all three of them having an upgrade as one of them is a cyborg. But I wanted to say I already trained them for years so meet the Danger Force, the new generation of superheroes not sidekicks they all of Superheros.They will be the DANGER FORCE."

 Everyone claped all of the kids in our costume huged him awe was so happy.

This was our story after a rolercoster.Every one knows Kid Danger and Caption man.Henry the youngers super hero.

But Mika,Chapa, and Me Keres was the youngest female Super heroes in Swellvew. 

That is a rap on Born A Villiab Made A Hero

I wanted to say thankyou all for reading this

Born A villian made a Hero (Danger force Oc)Where stories live. Discover now