A New Attraction

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It's 'another' morning, I put on my ripped leggings, a white shirt, and black jacket.Keres walks to the main room."Hi guys how did you all slept."They had their mask on the side of their head not covering their face, mine's on my head.They say it was fine but Moon.He can't ever sleep well."Moon we need to find a way for you to sleep well."I say going closer to the couch.

Mars comes out of her room and said."Hi Snake hi everyone."She comes from behind, hugs me then kissed my cheek.Yellow said Eww wail everyone said aw yellow hates when Kere and Mars kiss.Mars lets go and we go to the empty another couch.Dr.Minyak comes with Sir, Sir has the gold splash on their mask.Everyone gets up when they see both we always do it."Hello Sir what may we be of help."Sunset say's looking at Sir.

Sir looks around and stopped at Mars then back at everyone else."Well yes Sunset there is something you all can do for me I want you guys to go get the villains that Danger Force put back in or if you run into some villains then try to get them here."

Sir says we smile but then he looks at me. "Snake the rule for you is that you can't fight Rick or Drex and of course try to not let them see there face."I look at them I was confused and nod my head.Dr.Minyak gave us earpieces that can help us talk to each other.we all put our mask on and but our color shoes on.In 3 minutes we got to the jail and yes we drove in a van the oldest is 17 so it is fine I think.We all walk to the prison wall.

"What are you waiting for Snake scream at the wall."I look at sunset."You know your no fun but fine."I say getting closer and got ready.Then while I scream I felt someone cover my mouth under the mask.'No yelling."someone says behind me and the other masks."It is Shoutout."

I grabbed one of her arm, elbow her stomach and flip her off me and run to Mars and Moon's side."Good job Snake." Solar says giving me a high five.I turn and see Brainstorm with Volt and AWOL appear by them and Shoutout came to their side."Who's the leader."Volt says angry.We look at each other confused cause we don't have one like that.Brainstorm walks close to Sunset then Moon and stopped at me I just tilt my head in confusion while Brainstorm kept going till the last one. 

I'm just looking at Volt and AWOL to make sure they aren't up to anything.Sunset walks out of the line and we all look at them."We don't have a leader in this group we have bosses that tell us to do thing but out 2 powerful teammate come and show these 'hero's' how we do things." Sunset gets back in the line Me and Solar walk out of the circle.

Solar has Dark manipulation and dark ink started to circle around her. Meanwhile I have all the elements with fire hands around me."Ok you 2 remember we still need the job done."Twilight says while smiling. I am looking at Volt and kept a water ball above her head."Go ahead Volt one bad move Snake will drop the water on you."Twilight says walking to my side (Snake).I kept the water there when I saw Mars by me."That is my Greeny."

I look at her and hold her hand.But I looked back at brainstorm."Ahh I'm done with this."He use his powers to throw my mask. I get the water to splash him in the eye and turns away as fast as I could."Oh did you little mask fall not so brave now are you."Volt say's walking a little to me.I was so angry but I had to get the job done."

You know what, no I'm not, Mars run.'I turn to the jail wall and scream and brakes it.While all of them fight. Snake's looking for her mask while sheadling her face.I see it and run to it.But when she goes for it someone grabs her.She kicks them and grabs the mask and put it back on and turned to see Shoutout on the floor I walk to her and put out my hand she flinched.

"Come on take my hand you're embarrassing yourself, get up."Snake say she looks at me and takes my hand and I helped her up."Thanks but who are you."I look at her.I smiled under the mask."My name's Snake it was nice to I guess fight you, your very smart."I say still looking at Shoutout.

I hear Mars scream."Snake HELP."I look at her."I am sorry you should go help AWOL, Twilight's good when their angry ok ."I run to Mars.It was her and Volt Mars can turn things in ice and fire but she can't control fire.

I get to her I run in front of her when Volt was trying to zap her.So I zapped her zap and yes it turned green."AW here to save your sissy."I look at her."No here to save my Girlfriend."I zap her she fall but is still conscious and look at me while I hug Mars.

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