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Whitney walked out of the chapel, holding Jake's hand after exchanging vows in front of a few people from Fort Benton, and Jake's brother. Jake wanted his brother to be there for his wedding, so they postponed the steamboat one more day and were married in a quick ceremony.

She didn't care if the gown she wore wasn't white, she had married the man she loved and that was the only thing important. Besides, being with Jake and wanting to prove her love for him could only last so far if they were unmarried. It would be much easier if they were man and wife.

She only had a little while to get to know Dallas, and he was as charming as his older brother. She was certain he would find a woman to love soon, as well. With his dashing smile and handsome looks, there was no way he'd be single for much longer.

Jake's hotel was within walking distance of the church, so he lifted her in his arms and carried her to his room. Indeed, this was a much better room than where she had been staying. As soon as he closed the door, he gently placed her on the bed, stepped back, and gazed over her slowly.

"You take my breath away, Mrs. Sterling."

She grinned. "Then we are the perfect couple because I feel the same way about you."

He moved to the window and pulled the drapes closed. One single lamp was lit on the bedstand, but he moved to it and turned it down slightly. "You never did tell me where you want to live."

She chuckled. "It doesn't matter. As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy."

He sat beside her on the bed and caressed her cheek. "Until Fort Benton gets a new mayor, I need to step in and do the man's duties."

She gasped. "I hope you're not expecting me to do Cora's duties."

Smiling, he shook his head. "Quite the opposite, in fact. I thought you could return the town back to the close-knit family they were before Cora started running things and taking away people's jobs."

Whitney smiled and nodded. "Oh, yes. I can definitely do that. Believe it or not, you married a smart woman."

"I thought you were brilliant even before I married you." He winked."

"Well, I must say how relieved I was to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Daley were stripped from functions in society. And I'm very happy that she is in jail, awaiting her trial."

"The sheriff is also looking into the mayor. The sheriff believes Mr. Daley was a shady character, as well."

"Well, at least he and his wife will be together in jail."

Jake laughed. "If that happens, I'm sure one of them will kill the other. From some of the stories I've heard around town, they argued a lot. In fact, Walter Conrad blabbered that his sister and him were going to steal the rubies and start a new life in California."

"Thank heavens that never happened."

Jake leaned down and kissed her neck. Just as she had suspected there were bruises, but she didn't care. She had planned to wear her nicest gown for her wedding.

"I think we should stop talking about the criminals in our lives and start on other things."

His warm breath sent shivers all over her body, and she sighed. "What other things are you referring to, my wonderful husband?"

"Well, first off, we won't talk much." His kisses trailed up her neck to her mouth. "And then," he continued, leaving kisses all over her cheeks and chin, "we can dispose of these heavy clothing that are keeping us from getting really close."

Closing her eyes, she enjoyed his seduction, and eager for more. "And then what?"

He pulled back and she opened her eyes. The heady emotion in his gaze made her lose her breath. Being his wife would be so very fulfilling.

He wagged his eyebrows. "I believe, my love, that it's easier for me to show you."

"Go right ahead."

He wrapped her in his arms and laid them back on the bed, and just as he promised, he proceeded to show her... over and over again.


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