how the piss monster came to life part 8

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I heard Nex and Ellie talking as I woke up to my LOUD ASS ALARM. I shut that bitch up like the slut it is as I walked downstairs and got ready for the best meal ever... I made a bagel because I don't like making food. When I got done, I sat down to eat but I heard the bed creaking- I put down my Bagel MISSING THE TABLE AND DROPPING IT LIKE WTF DID I DO? I wiped my tears and ran up the stairs like a damn dog.

 I slowly peaked my head in covering my eyes (while looking through my fingers) "WHT DID I SAY ABOUT DOING THIS-?" Ellie froze in shock jumping off the bed while saying "sorry bbg 🙄" I sighed knowing I would have to buy a new bed if they kept on JUMPING ON IT. I was confused why they were up because they are suspended and it's 7 in the morning I didn't bother to ask as I really don't care plus, I need to make sure my eyeliner looks good because people are like "they're sister not twins" WELL MINE LOOK LIKE SISTER AND BROTHER. After spending all my time on that I put on a white button up and some jeans I've slept in and never changed out of or washed in the past 4 days. I missed the bus AGAIN BECAUSE IT'S ALWAYS LATE OR EARLY. Then I remembered I don't even take the bus and got in my car and drove away. I pulled up to school almost running over an emo kid. I got out and walked into school feeling sad without Ellie because they're the light of my day no matter if we get into a fight we always make up and I just can't go without her (LIKE FR THEY'RE LIKE THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD). but then again, I get to see her ugly ass face when I get home. 

Time skip because school bores everyone

Everything was okay Except for Brayden saying he had a crush on me- like 😃 no. and I went home early without anyone's permission. Why? you may ask because there is piss coming out the wrong side and it is not something I like. But like if someone goes into that bathroom it looks like a flood zone. Once I got home (the time is around 12 pm so right after lunch) I threw myself onto my bed and took a nap.

My wet dream

"Why hello there Alexis" A wet yellow liquidly creature said "wtf are you? U look ike piss" "That's because I am" "damn your kinky" I told it as they stared at me with disbelief, we ended up arguing on if they were kinky or not (they totally are) They paused And looked really shocked They looked at me and said "WAKE UP."I was confused why because It's a dream nothing could hurt me here unless I was being hurt out of my dream. I tried waking up, but I couldn't.

I eventually shot up to see that I was in my bed and sweating horribly I went to push up from the bed with my hands only to fall back down into a soaked mattress. I looked at the mattress and went to touch it because wtf is that on my bed only to scream at what I saw.

(I've got more motivation to post now and I'm ready to finish this story! :') hopefully you guys enjoy this and don't mind the vulgar language or anything. ) 

See you in the next chapter! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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