How the piss monster came to life part 4

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As we got into our lockers Something fell out of Ellie's backpack she didn't seem to notice and when I saw the name, I knew there was something good in it was the note from Nex. She got out her binder and other things "do we need our book for math?" she asked "I don't know" she then took it out and closed her locker going to her class. I then picked up the note and went to my class we had the same class but there was only a couple of minutes left so as soon as we walked in and set down the bell rang so I picked up my stuff again and waited for the second bell to ring. as it did, we got up and left the room I had social Studies next and luckily Ellie wasn't in that class with me. I don't mean it's a good thing because I really do like talking to her. I sat down my stuff and slid the note into my pocket. I didn't even ask to go I just ran down the hallway to the bathroom when I got there I went into a stall and locked it. I took the note out of my pocket 


From: Nex

To: Ellie


It looked nothing out of the ordinary Why won't he let me know it doesn't look bad- I opened it up excited to see what was in it........

Meet me at my house tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. If you want to have a good time bubby ;) ;) ;)


I tried to hold in my laugh, but I couldn't I walked out of the bathroom to see....

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