Chapter 1 "how the piss monster came too life"

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Alexis's point of view

It was just any other day at Spagett's High School. I pull up in my blue convertible and I saw my cousin Ellie WHO DEC I waved but all I got back was an eye roll, she then walked away into the Gym. why is she always like this- I thought as I walked into the cafeteria and sat down waiting for them too serve breakfast Finally when they did I walked up to the line and eventually got my food  there was mini pancakes, syrup, and some milk, this milk is always so chunky omg- after I got done eating I went into the gym and pulled out my computer I started emailing my friends


Alexis                                                                                                                                           I literally made A Gru x minion  picture                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                              Z                                                                                  So cool!

Alexis                                                                                                                                         Have you been a bad minion? 😈


I laughed at myself and opened up a new tab to draw a picture, when I was midway threw the drawing the bell rang to go to class I shoved my stuff in my bookbag I started running down the bleachers but suddenly tripped luckily I didn't fully trip and caught myself my friend Chloe started laughing "you noob" she said as she ran away, I ran up behind her as we started walking too our locker, unfortunately mine was right beside Ellie's locker the thing was she wasn't bad sometimes we got along sometimes we didn't I was used to it by now so I didn't bother I just went up to my locker and put in my combination 0-6-7 I put my backpack in my locker I then went into my W.I.N. class (what I need/W.I.N. is basically time to get stuff out of your locker and catch up on missing assignments ) I opened up my computer and started playing video games, next thing I know is that I'm asleep I woke up to Aaliyah(Al-ee-ah) shaking me "wake up the bell just rang" I'm surprised the teacher didn't even notice I got up and took my binder to my next classroom and sat down my teacher Ms. cat shit was talking about the science fair

---------------------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------------------------

  it was the end of the day me and Ellie where looking at Shrek memes after she surprisingly said she was sorry

  it was the end of the day me and Ellie where looking at Shrek memes after she surprisingly said she was sorry

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I ended up laughing so hard I peed my pants

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I ended up laughing so hard I peed my pants...I got up and took a sprint towards the door omg omg "Where are you going Alexis?" Ms. cat shit asked me I quickly turned around "The bathroom" I said "Well hurry up I don't want you too miss this and here's a hall pass" "ok thank you!" I said as I ran out the room as I was running down a hallway Mr. dog piss stopped me "you look nice today" "thank you" I said as he started walking beside me "where did you get that skirt?" Mr. dog piss asked "I got it at hot topic" I then ran into one of the bathroom stalls and closed the door behind me but before I could sit down I felt it...I felt the warm liquid dripping down my legs I almost cried I quickly grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off my legs that's when I started crying 

Ellie's Point Of View

"Why was she going to the bathroom?" Ms. cat shit asked because she needs to go to the bathroom idiot Olivia then walked up and told her something you couldn't hear "she peed her pants-" Ms. cat shit said out loud for everyone to hear... 

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