How the piss monster came to life pt. 2 🍋

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This Has a mention of s3x


I walked back to class after cleaning myself up but as soon as I walked in the classroom everyone's eyes laid on me, my eyes darted across the room trying to see if at least one person wasn't looking at me. Ellie came up to me and whispered "Olivia told the teacher and the teacher being the she is told the whole class" that's when I felt a rush of embarrassment flow over me, I ran to my seat, shortly after my vision got blurry and with a blink that blurriness was gone and a warm liquid ran down my face I sniffed my nose and laid my head down trying to forget all of this but I knew it wouldn't work. that's when a girl named Gabby walked up to me her skin tone was dark and she had almost black hair that was curly "Did you really pee your pants?!?!" she yelled I said nothing because I was embarrassed which gave her the answer she was looking for "girl- omg-" she said as she ran to her seat and started talking to this blonde haired girl who I was not fond of. I just put my head back down and waited for the bell to ring. eventually when it did, I got up and walked out the door with my bookbag in my hands looking behind me to make sure I didn't lose anything as soon as I got out the doors, I darted to my car I sat down in the driver's seat and sat there waiting for Ellie so I could drive her home. where the hell is she? I saw Z just sitting there staring at the ground I rolled down my window and yelled "Zienna! do you know where Ellie is?" "I saw her with Nex!" Z shouted Didn't Nex and her break up? so why would she be with him- "ok thanks for telling me"  I got out the car after grabbing my Girlfriends hoodie and sliding it on all the bus's were leaving already so I ran into the school looking for Ellie "Ellie!" I shouted as I went into the hallway there was one classroom that no teacher would go in so I went in and looked there....


as I walked in I couldn't believe what I saw... It was Ms. catshit and Mr. dogpiss having sex Mr. dogpiss laughed Ms. catshit stared in shock thinking no one would walk in I went to close the door but I heard Ellie yelling my name as she ran down the hallway when she saw me she ran towards me getting a good view of what was going on inside the classroom, for some reason she started laughing "lol, anyways lets go" she said grabbing my arm and dragging me outside the building "How did that happen-?" she questioned me " I was looking for you-" "ok but lets be real, why was it so small?" she asked laughing "the pills wore off before he was finished-" we both started laughing and talking about that incident as we walked to my car when we got in she pulled out a note "What's that?" I asked as the note was pink and it said 

"TO: Ellie From: Nex"

 "Nex gave it to me- I don't know what is" "are you going to open it?" Not till I get home" "ok" I said starting up the car 

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