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"Can I talk to you Soobin?" It was the day after him and Yeonjuns date and he was preparing to head for breakfast. Him and Sunghoon were the only ones in the cabin.

"Of course," Soobin was confused why the boy suddenly wanted to talk with him.

"Well.. it's kind of complicated,"

"Sit, I have time," Soobin patted the spot next to him and Sunghoon hesitantly sat down.

"So.. lets say there's person A and person B?" Soobin nodded, pretty sure he knew where this was going.

"Well person A really likes Person B but he doesn't really know how to get person As attention. But person B hates person A because of some stuff that Person A has said. What should person A do about his feelings if Person B hates him?" Soobin chuckled.

"Well does Person A really care about Person B?" Sunghoon nodded.

"Maybe Person A should try approaching Person B in a different way. He shouldn't try to hide his feelings behind being tough or mean. He should be nice and affectionate towards person B and be there for him when he's struggling,"

"So what should I- I mean person A, do?

"Don't make Person B uncomfortable, or make them feel insecure or bad about themselves, try being more considerate," Sunghoon nodded again.

"Now come on, we're going to be late for breakfast,"

"Hey Soobs, looking hot," on the surface, Soobin knew Yeonjun was the same teasing, jokester he had always been. But below the surface he was much more to Soobin now.

"Hotter than you that's for sure,"

"Aw, is this a lovers quarrel?" Beomgyu quipped as him and Yeji walked up to the two. Soobin rolled his eyes until Yeonjun grabbed his hand,

"Yes actually," Soobin panicked a little internally. Was Yeonjun joking or was he being serious? Out of the corner of his eye Soobin noticed the upset look on Yejis face. She probably hated Soobin by now.

"I-i'll see you guys later," Soobin quickly made his escape heading towards his morning activity station. Which was canoeing unfortunately.

Jungkook fortunately let Soobin stay on the shore and watch the kids rather than making him get in the water. This left Soobin alone with his thoughts, at least he thought he was alone.

"Hey Soobin, can we talk?" Yeji sat down beside him, Soobin nodded unsure of what was happening. She took a deep breath before starting.

"Well I've noticed that you and Yeonjun have gotten really close lately, and I'm assuming that you might have caught feelings for him," Soobin tilted his head in confusion. What was her point exactly?

"I just wanted to tell you so that you don't get hurt, but Yeonjun and I had sex two nights ago,"  

AN: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in.. a long time.. But i'm back and i'm so grateful for everyone who has shown support for this book and read it! I am so thankful for all of you and I will try and update more now that I have more time <3

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