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"There's a letter for you Soobin," Soobin jumped out of his thoughts to see Jungkook waving an envelope in his face. Soobin took it, nodding his appreciation. Turning the letter over he felt his heart drop. It was from Doyoung.

Soobin felt sick for a second. He hated to admit how quickly he had forgotten about Doyoung. But the sickness passed quickly and Soobin almost laughed. He felt free.

"What's that?" Jake asked, Soobin shrugged, shoving it into his pocket.

"Nothing important," At the other table Yeonjun noticed Soobin shoving the letter away. A furrow in his brow forming.

"Alright for cabin time, we're going to go on a hike so you might want to grab some different shoes," Jungkook chuckled, looking down at Soobins flip flops.

"What's wrong with my shoes?" He questioned.

"Soobin your toes are as long as Jakes pinky fingers,"

"That is a very rude thing to say," Soobin pouted, but turned and headed toward the cabin.

As he was seated on his bed pulling his sneakers on he heard someone walk in. Turning, a smile broke across his face at the sight of Yeonjuns lovely scowling expression.

"Hey-" before he could say anything else Yeonjun pulled him onto his feet and reached behind him. Yanking Doyoungs letter out of his pocket.

"What the hell is this?" Soobin opened his mouth but Yeonjun was on a roll and he wasn't about to stop.

"Does this bitch really think he has the right to write you letters? What does this one say this time? Hey Soobin, come back home so you can choke on my dick? I don't think that he realizes that-" Yeonjun was cut off by Soobins lips pressing against his and his hands wrapping around the olders waist. Soobin pulled away after a few seconds and smiled at the sight of Yeonjun before him, eyes still closed, lips quivering slightly.

"You talk too much," Soobin walked over to the trash can in the corner, tossing the letter in.

"Are you going to read it?"

"I don't need to," Yeonjun tilted his head in curiosity.

"You're different from when you first got here," Soobin smiled.

"Must be the fresh air," the two exchanged a smirk. Before Soobin walked out the door, Yeonjun stopped him.

"Meet me tonight? By the lake, after lights out,"

"As long as you promise not to murder me and chuck my body in the lake," Yeonjun didn't say anything.

"I'll be there,"

That night Soobin walked to the lake to meet Yeonjun. When he got there he was surprised, he wasn't sure what he had expected, but it wasn't anything as amazing as this. Yeonjun had spread a blanket out on the ground, and set out some snacks he had probably stolen from the kitchen. He had a record player set up as well, and was playing music. Fairy lights were set up around the blanket, blocking out the darkness of the woods around the lake.

"Wow," was all Soobin could say.

"Well don't just stand there, sit down," Soobin settled down next to Yeonjun, the two enjoying the food and the music.

"May I have this dance?" Soobin looked up and saw Yeonjun standing, his hand extended offering it to the other boy. Soobin blushed a little, this was the kind of thing that he had used to dream about. These were the kind of feelings people wrote poetry about. He stood taking Yeonjun into his hands and slowly moved to the melody of the song.

Being happy was a dangerous feeling he decided. He felt like he could jump and touch the stars that glimmered above him, like he was invincible to anything. He was all of a sudden a superhero, ready to run into a burning building. Like he could grab the other boy by the face and kiss him all night. Not once thinking about what might happen. Only thinking about what was.

"What's on your mind?" Yeonjun mumbled against Soobins chest.

"You make me happy, and it's weird cause no one has made me feel like that before," Yeonjun looked up at Soobin.

"Well you deserve to feel that way, i'm just glad that I was the one who brought it to you," They swayed back and forth in silence. Enjoying the stillness of the night.

Soobin hoped it would last forever.

AN: it's very hard to write a camp book when it's winter and your sitting in your room freezing. This chapter was kind of all over the place but I really wanted to give you guys an update! also... does anyone have any Kdrama recommendations? I just finished Imitation and I'm having a hard time finding something i'll like just as much that I haven't already seen.

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