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"Hey Soobin," he turned around and saw Yeonjun leaning over from his seat which was across from Soobin at the table beside theirs.

"If you want to win, hide with me," Soobin hated the fact that Yeonjun was probably right. He seemed like the kind of guy who excelled at these kinds of things.

"Where are you going to hide?" Soobin asked back.

"You'll see if we team up. Come on, I know you won't be able to find a good spot by yourself, you haven't even seen the whole camp yet," Soobin scoffed, but still considered the offer.

"Okay fine, but if you your lying and we get caught,"

"We wont you worry wart, trust me,"

"He's probably luring you into the woods so he can kill you and steal your identity," Jake said, sounding concerned.

"Yeonjun wouldn't do that," Sunghoon argued.

"No Jakes right, I would totally do that,"

The meal finally finished and everyone gathered around in the sports field. The owner of the camp Mr. Lee stood in the middle with a megaphone. Which he needed, seeing as how the man was just barely over 5'3".

"Okay most of you have played this game before, but I'll recap to make sure everyone knows what they're doing. It's campers versus Counselors. The counselors will go out and we'll give them about half an hour to hide all around the camp. Remember inside buildings are off limits. You campers will have a flag, after the thirty miuntes. You'll send a few people out to hide the flag somewhere," he held up the flag. It was large and red, shouldn't be too hard to find.

"then you'll all go out to find your leaders. Once you see one yell out their name and give them exactly ten seconds to run away, then you can try to tag them, and they can try and go find the flag. If you tag them they are out, but if one of the counselors gets the flag, the campers are out. If no one gets the flag before time ends, if there are more counselors still hidden the counselors win, but if the majority have been caught then the campers win. Make sense?'' Everyone cheered.

"Alright, Counselors timer starts now, get going," Yeonjun grabbed the back of soobins shirt and started tugging him into a run.

"Okay we've got to hurry, the spots kind of far away so you have to run, you know how to do that right?" Soobin rolled his eyes.

"of course I know how to run dipshit,"

"Okay then let's go!" Yeonjun started running towards one of the trails and Soobin followed after. Leaving the campers shouts in the distance.

"Where are we going?" Soobin asked through his quick breathes.

"The lake," Soobin stopped dead in his tracks, causing Yeonjun to turn around.

"Are you going to drown me?"

"No you dumbass, why does everyone always assume I have bad intentions?" he kept running and Soobin followed.

They met Taehyun and RM on the crossroads between the lake and the archery range.

"Where are you guys going to hide?" RM asked out of breath. They must have been running too.

"The lake, you?"

"Bluebird cabins roof,"

"Shit dude, isn't that the one that Yoongi fell through a few years ago? Imagine what it'll do if you two fatasses get up there," Yeonjun remarked. Soobin didn't know who Yoongi was but he felt bad for him.

"That'll just add to the fun," Tahyun remarked and the two pairs ran off in their different directions. Soobin and Yeonjun made it to the lake, and without missing a beat Yeonjun walked over to a shed that was built close to the waterfront. He pulled out two life jackets and two paddles.

"Have you ever canoed before?"

"No," Soobin responded dumbly.

"We have to row to our hiding spot?"

"Yep," Yeonjun walked over to one of the canoes that was docked on the shore.

"Your carriage my lady," he gestured grandly towards the canoe.

"Shut up dumb ass,"

"Please Soobin, one term of endearment is enough," Soobin grumbled sitting in the front of the canoe and letting Yeonjun hop into the back. He untied them from the dock, using his paddle to push them deeper into the lake.

"Just paddle, I'll steer us, just don't stay on one side for too long," they began to row out into the lake, staying close to the side and turning around one corner.

"See up there? Between those two trees,? we'll stop there and pull the canoe behind those bushes,"

"Then where do we go?"

"This side used to be part of the camp too, there were extra cabins and an old meeting house, but there was a storm a few years ago and a lot of the buildings were destroyed. Most of it is overgrown, but there's one cabin still standing. We'll be hiding in there, I only know about it because they used to use it when my Dad was a camper and he told me about it," 

Soobin wasn't going to lie, this was pretty cool. 

AN: Thanks so much to everyone who has been reading!! I love you all and appreciate your support so much! hope you beautiful people all have amazing days!

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