Chapter 2 - Wary Wanderer

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The next morning I was well rested and back on the road, searching. Being in a place where everything was strange to me I had no clue where to begin. My ears led me to the hustle and bustle of a main road with street vendors lined up and down the whole length, scattering varied amounts of colours with their wares.

Shouts rang through the air as people bargained for the best prices and the vendors advertised their items. I stuck to the shadows, trying to be seen as little as possible.

By noon my stomach was rumbling vigorously making me stop at a stall teeming with apples, pears, and oranges. I made a quick bargain for two apples and an orange then found a place to sit and eat not too far away from that stall. I watched the buyers and window shoppers pass by as I bit into my first juicy, ripe fruit. The people around here gave me no second glance as they hurried along with their own business filling with courage. I got off my makeshift stool and strolled down the middle of the street, smiling.

A hard object connected with the back of my head and I stopped. Turning around slowly, I spotted the guy from last night juggling an apple in his palm smirking at me.

I stormed up the street, against the flow of the pedestrians, and confronted him. "What was that for?"

"You're an easy target." He grinned, taking a big bite out of his apple then wiping his chin on his sleeve as the juice trickled down.

A sigh of frustration trickled from between my lips as I whirled around and walked away, leaving the main road through an alley.

The boy's hand wrapped around my forearm. "I wouldn't go down alleys by yourself."

"I can handle myself. Thank you very much." I shook my arm out of his grasp.

"I'm sure you can." His eyes took on a pleading look. "Just don't."

The look in his eyes shook me to my core. Was something going on in Castin? Something I had not heard about while traipsing through my forest?

"What's so dangerous in Castin that could harm an innocent girl?"

The boy stood tall and laughed. "You really aren't from around here, are you?"

I glared at him, taking a defensive pose. "No." I snapped. "I'm not. So what?"

He held up his hands in front of his chest. "I was just stating another fact."

"Well you can give me some more facts. Starting with who you are."

"Demanding, aren't you?" He teased, smirking, then dropped his smirk when he saw my serious expression. "Fine. My name is Jacob, but people tend to call me Jake."

"Hi, Jake." I hesitantly extended my hand for him to shake. "I'm Dee." Inwardly I was rolling my eyes at myself for the name change.

Jake's strong hand grasped mine and shook it. "It's nice to meet you." He thought deliberately for a second. "If you don't mind me asking... Where do you come from?"

"Yalin." I gestured behind me. "Past the Forest of Kitsbane."

"It's that way," Jake pointed to his right. "and I've been there before. Very rustic place." A mischievous smile brightened his face.

"It is." I smiled and nodded. Agreeing with him was my only tactic right now. "I need to get going. My cousin is waiting for me."

"Right. I'll take you to her." A courteous smile replaced his mischievous one. "Where are we going?"

I frowned and saw no other resort. Magic was my only way of getting away from Jake now. A quick wave of my hand and a subtle command of 'Confuse' and I was on my way, pushing my way through the crowd. I was far away from Jake before I felt my spell shatter and release Jake, leaving him undoubtedly confused.

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