Chapter 1 - Unchartered Waters

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The bushes parted mere feet from the tall, metal walls that surrounded the gleaming city of Castin. Dawn's face peeked out, her eyes shifting back and forth, looking for a way in.

Arora's teeth dug into Dawn's thin blue shirt, pulling her backwards away from the bushes.

"What was that for?" Dawn cried out.

Arora paced back and forth. "You were going to get caught, Dawn. How exactly do you expect to get into a city of metal when you look like you have been rolling around in the dirt? And what about me? You can't have a wolf padding beside you. It will only attract attention."

Dawn sat cross-legged on the ground and put her head in her hands. "I..." She sounded unsure. "I am going to clean up in that creek over there and you... You can wait by the creek for me. You know my magic can't last that long if I try to hold you in a human form... If I get caught I'll call for you. Okay?"

"I don't like this plan." Growled Arora as she followed closely behind Dawn on her way to the creek.

"You don't have to like it." Dawn dipped both of her hands into the brisk water, and lifted out a handful to scrub the dirt off of her face. "You have to listen to me." She stood up and dried her face off with her own jacket, then knelt down beside Arora. "I'm sorry... I just... I don't want to marry Vance. I can't marry Vance. Do you understand, Arora?"

Arora nodded, then pushed her soft head against Dawn's forehead. "I understand. You have nothing to be sorry for, little one. There are some choices in life that no one wants to make. Just remember that I'm always here for you, as are the many other animals of the forest and beyond."

Dawn hugged Arora's neck fiercely. "Thanks."

The light in the sky dimmed perceptibly, making the shadows grow longer. Dawn stood up and headed towards the metal walls once again. She reached the edge of the path leading into the city and looked back. Arora sat near the creek, watching Dawn carefully. A solemn wave and a silent goodbye, Dawn entered Castin, with no idea of what she was looking for.


The bright glare of the dying sunlight ricocheted from the surrounding metal walls, windows, and sidewalks, blinding my eyes. I had no idea where I was going, only that I had to find somewhere to hide or live until my father came to his senses.

I tucked a stray piece of my blonde hair behind my ear and squinted at my surroundings.

Metal was everywhere. It ran over every surface I could see, creating an eery glow as the sun set. My feet made hollow echoes as I walked along the sidewalk, my eyes glued to my reflection on the metallic surface.

I felt disgusted, out of place. The people who lived here live completely without the touch of nature, the smell of grass, or the feel of a warm summer's breeze. Pity ran deep in my heart as I watched their sluggish movements.

Sensing a couple of people's questioning stares I slowed my steps, copying their carefree stride, then ducked into the first store that I could find with clothes.

Picking through the racks I found a yellow tank top rimmed with a shiny silver material. I grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny pants that also had the same silver material, except it was criss-crossed above the knees.

Satisfied with my finds, I carried the shirt and pants to the register and pulled some money from my small change purse that nestled at my hip. I smiled at the lady behind the desk and placed my items on the hard surface.

"Is that everything for you today?" She asked me, smiling brightly.

I nodded, returning her smile.

"That will be 22 Opalz, please."

As I rummaged around for the right amount of money I silently thanked the heavens that both of the kingdoms shared the same currency. I pushed the money across the counter, then watched the woman pick it up, count it, then deposit it in the cash register.

She turned to me, and her eyes fixated on my shoulder. Her smile faded and her face filled with shock. "Is that dirt on your shirt?"

Confusion tore through me. I'm so used to the forest that I had momentarily forgotten the fact that I was in a city of metal. I put on a crestfallen face and looked up at the lady with sad eyes. "I disobeyed my father and he tossed me out in the dirt. He told me to stay in the forest for an hour; until I had learned my lesson. It was awful!"

The lady's face twisted in pitied horror. "Oh, you poor thing! Are you alright?"

"I am alright, thank you for asking. I now know not to disobey my father. Have a good day."

"You too." I heard the lady call after me as I walked out of the store.

The sky was a dark, dusky blue when I stepped out onto the sidewalk. I hated the faded look of the stars here in Castin. The glaring lights maintained by electricity dimmed the stars usually bright luminescence seen underneath the scattered treetops of the forest.

Minutes later I found a tavern with bathrooms and changed into my new clothes. I pushed my old clothes deep into the trash can. A few tweaks to my hair and I was back out in the street, looking for a place to hide out. Suddenly, I was glad that the streets were lamp lit because I was on the verge of being frightened in a strange new place.

Footsteps clacked behind me, following my own down the road. My breath sucked in sharply, fearing that I had been found already. I kept walking, hoping that I was just being paranoid.

Time felt sluggish when my thoughts raced through my mind at a 100 miles per hour. There was still someone behind me and I was starting to hyperventilate. Deciding that it would be best to hide I slipped into a dark alleyway and pressed against the cold wall.

I held my breath as two men walked by, their heads looking from side to side as they whispered to each other. Finally, they were out of sight and I released the breaths I had been holding in.

"Funny seeing a pretty thing like you hiding in an alley..." Drawled a man's voice.

I swear I jumped ten feet in the air as I bounded away from the voice. "Who's there?"

The man stepped into the lamp's light. I was face to face with a guy, possibly close to my age, with dark hair and even darker eyes. "Don't worry," he smirked. "I won't hurt you. I was just stating a fact."

"Oh." My face flooded with heat. "Well, I wasn't hiding."

"Then what were you doing in an alley at this time of night?"

"I thought I was being followed, okay?" My stubborn side was starting to show. "Besides, it not really any of your business."


I scowled at the stranger and turned on my heel, marching up the street. To my disappointment, I could hear his footsteps close behind me.

I whirled around. "Why are you following me?"

He cocked his head. "You're interesting. Different."

"Different?" I said shakily.

"Yeah." He crossed his arms and studied me. "Are you new here?"

"I'm visiting." I scrambled to put a story together in my head before saying something stupid. "My cousin, she lives just a few blocks away."

He nodded and smiled. "Can I walk you to her place? It's not exactly safe around here."

"No offense... But I don't know you... You yourself may not be safe."

"Very true..." He said solemnly. "Well I'll be on way, then, and leave you to find your own way. Tread carefully." The stranger smiled and left the way we had come.

A grin filled my face, and my body relaxed. I turned away from his fading silhouette and kept walking until I found a small tavern to spend the night in.

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