Discontinued. Im sorry.

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Hey guys.
Long time no see.

For all those who were worried about me, no I'm not dead, I have been doing quite a bit this past year though. I just wanted to tell everyone who is still invested in this story that I will not be continuing it.

I loved writing massacre and coming up with the plot, even taking ideas from certain comments! I loved interacting with you lot and seeing how happy my story made you, I loved reading all of your comments and laughing when it turned into a hive mind. Everything about this story brought me so much joy when writing it.

Over the last year I have fallen out of the fandom. When content on the DSMP slowed down I started to loose interest.
Since then I have tried to get back into writing this story however with how many plot holes and inconsistent characterisations there are, I just can't bring myself to continue. (Not to mention my writing style has changed a lot and I hate reading my old stuff. It's so bad.)

Instead of just letting this story die and leaving you lot up to your imagination, I would like to propose an alternative. If any of you have questions about where this story was going to lead or what ideas I had in mind for characters and their endings please put them in the comments. I am more then willing to answer anything you ask (within reason of course. That means no personal questions please.)

Im so sorry about leaving you lot for so long. It wasn't what I intended.
I love all of you so much. You have no idea how happy you made me every single day.

That being said. Congratulations.
You've reached the end of Massacre.

Thank you.

Massacre (villain Tommyinnit AU)Where stories live. Discover now