Chapter 28 - Reminiscing

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3 days in a row?!?!!?
What is happening to the world!?!

Philza woke with a start.
His heart hammering loudly in his chest, a symphony of voices plagued his mind, still buzzing from the nightmare he had just woken up from.
Those damned glowing red eyes from his nightmare still lingered in his minds eye.

Get out
Please run
Get out of here

"It's okay. I'm okay..."

Phil looked up to see Techno standing in the doorway, there were bags under his eyes and both his cheeks and nose were red from crying.

"Hey mate. You holding out okay?"

Techno sighed.

"I'm doing about as well as I can. Given the situation.
What about you? You've not be woken up from a nightmare in months."

Now it was Phil's time to sigh.
"I don't know mate. The voices are loud again, they're saying something bad is gonna happen.
The nightmare didn't help either."

"What was it about?"
Techno sat on the bed next to Phil.

"I don't remember much. Just walking through a cave system and someone or something with glowing red eyes running at me.
It felt so real, like it was happening right then."


"What about you?"

"I haven't been able to sleep."

"Do you wanna stay here tonight?"

"...can I?"

"Of course. We both know that if my mind is loud then yours is deafening."

"Thank you."

Techno curled up in the bed, Phil's wing draped over him.

'Just like old times.' Phil thought. He remembered the times when a young Techno would curl under his wing after a nightmare, or when Wilbur would stand in the doorway till Phil noticed him and then ask Phil to sing a lullaby to him.

Those were the good days. Just him and his kids, laughing, playing, training.

Just him and his kids being a family.

Phil looked over to his nightstand and saw a small blade on it.
He remembered when he first started to teach Tommy how to fight.

The knife was small, so much so it that you would think it belonged to an infant.
And honestly it did.

Tommy was young when he first learned to fight.
Phil remembered the small child standing in front of him with the knife in his hand.
He remembered training Tommy.
He remembered teaching him how to patch up the injuries he had gotten during training.
He remembered when Tommy first hit a bullseye with a bow and arrow.

Phil chuckled.
"You always were a fighter weren't you little soldier."

And with that Phil held his eldest son tightly in his arms and fell asleep once again.


Elsewhere the young boy at the forefront of his fathers memories was also falling asleep.
His own memories of the man slipping through the cracks of his mind, never to be seen again.


Phil woke up peacefully this time round, the sunlight on his face from a gap in the blinds, his wing still tight round his son.
He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and shook his sons shoulder.

"Techno, it's time to wake up."


"Come on Tech, it's morning."

"I don't wanna."



Techno's grip round Phil tightened causing the man to chuckle. He liked this side of Techno, it meant he felt calm and safe.

"Then can I get up? I need to make breakfast."

"But warm."

"Techno. Either you let me up or you have to get up too. I WILL drag the quilt with me."


Techno curled into a ball, gripping the quilt tight in his hands.

"Thank you for letting go mate."


He looked up from the pillow, finally opening his eyes to find that he had in fact let go of Phil in order to keep the quilt.

"I'll make pancakes, alright?"


And with that Techno fell back asleep.
Phil chuckled as he left the room, he made his way into the kitchen and started to get everything ready for breakfast when Tubbo came through the door.

"Good morning Tubbo."

"Morning Phil."

Phil smiled at Tubbo hoping that it would help the young boys mood slightly.
It didn't.
He just stood there with a sullen look on his face.
At least he got him to speak. Tubbo had barely said a handful of sentences since the funeral.
Phil gestured for Tubbo to come closer. The young boy complied.
Tubbo tucked his head into Phil's shoulder, arms wrapped around his torso.
Phil responded by wrapping his wing round the boy.

Things would be different with Tommy gone.

The least Phil could do was make sure his kids were okay.

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