Chapter 45 - Threat

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⚠️ warning for underaged drinking throughout this entire chapter


It had been two week and Tubbo hadn't been sober once. His head was in constant pain and his hatred only grew.
He was gonna kill Dream.
But he needed to make sure his friends would be safe first.
He needed to keep them safe.

They all listened to him when he told them to stay. His guess was that all they saw was a lonely, pathetic child who shouldn't be left alone, and so they stayed.
The people of L'Manburg barely leave now.
I guess that's the perks of guilt.
And maybe a few fake tears to sell the act.

He hadn't realised his 'talent' for acting before. It was fun.
He was able to keep his friends safe now.

"Hey Tubbo, you doing alright?"
Quackity had made it a habit to check on the boy twice a day to make sure he hadn't done something reckless.
He hadn't.
Only if you don't count underaged drinking as reckless.

"I'm fine Q."

"You wanna go out for a walk?"
Tubbo looked up. Quackity's face was creased, worry written on his features, he kinda felt bad.


The two of them didn't go far, just walking through L'Manburg and along the prime path. Quackity tried to start conversations but Tubbo wasn't in the mood to talk, he just walked and observed everything going on around him, that was until he saw Fundy talking to Dream.

He ran quickly, drawing out his axe and pushing between the two.

"What the HELL are you doing here Dream?"
He hissed at the masked man.
Dream looked down.

"I just wanted to talk to Fundy."

"I don't care. Get the fuck out of my country. You don't belong here."


"NO! Get the fuck out! If I see you here again I WILL kill you. Do you understand me!?"



Dream turned and walked away.
"You okay Tubbo?"
Fundy placed a hand onto the younger's shoulder.
He was breathing heavy, his eyes watered with unshed tears.

"I'm fine."

He walked away.
The others did not follow.
It was good they didn't otherwise they might have seen the malicious smile stretched across Tubbo's face.

He had an alibi.
If he killed Dream now, then Quackity and Fundy could both vouch for him.
He did give Dream a 'warning' after all.
He gave himself a non-personal reason, a excuse even, to kill Dream.

He has a excuse, 'for the greater good of his country', to kill the green bastard and not face any of the consequences.

He settled back into his office chair, a twisted smile across his face.




The spitting image of his father.


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