Chapter 35 - Discussions

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"Nightmare? Are you okay?"


The enderman crouched down in front of the spirit. He could not touch him though, so comfort would have to come from words alone.

"Come on nightmare, it's okay, can you tell me what got you so worked up?"

Nightmare shook his head.


He looked up at his oldest friend and sighed. He couldn't lie to Ranboo.

"I kept thinking about XD.
I mean we did nothing wrong and yet we died doing a job THEY told us to do, and they won't even let me move on in peace.
Nooooo, they trap me in a void and then stuff me into the mind of the bastard that killed me!
The bastard that THEY created mind you!"

"Woah, calm down.
I know how you feel. You're right, we did everything XD asked of us, and yet we were the once's who paid the price.
And even now we are still suffering.
Besides, XD didn't know Dream would be able to manipulate us, he just told us to watch over him."

Nightmare sighed "I know."

"We should go back to Tommy shouldn't we."

"He's asleep right now, spent the entire day fixing up most of the temple."

"Jeez no wonder he's asleep, that place was a tip. And he did it all in one day?"


"... he's insane."

Ranboo he's killed people."

Forgot about that.

...What's the number at now?"



"We should head back!"

"Yeah good call!"

The two of them stood up and started to make their way back to the temple, Tommy was most likely going to be awake soon anyway. The air was light between them, as it always has been. They had been friends for so long.
But Ranboo was curious.

"Why Tommy?"


"Why did you choose to show yourself to Tommy? Why him? There are so many people who live in and around these woods."

"For one, he isn't Tommy anymore. And for why? We saw what Dream was doing to him, we couldn't just sit by and let him die.

He was going to kill himself Ranboo.
We had to do something.
He was just a child."

"Dream's killed other people before, he's made other people kill themselves before, so why now?"

"Because we understood him."


"Yes, other people have died by Dreams hands, but with the kid? We understood him.
He's been through so much. He never had a childhood, he was dragged into a war when he was still young, he was close to death so many times and yet no one stopped to help him.
We understood him.
And we couldn't jut sit by and watch him jump."

"Then why not help Tubbo?"

"I didn't know..."

"Would you? If you had the chance? Would you help him too?"

"...It's too late."

"What do you mean?"

"His mind is already infected, we can't get through, believe me, after what the kid told me about his past I sent some of the others to Tubbo, but they couldn't break through."

"So he already hears voices..."


"This isn't going to end well, is it?"

"No. It won't."

The air was heavy now.
Nightmare knew of Tommy and Tubbo's past, Ranboo he'd seen the scars on Tubbo and put a few puzzle pieces together, but he didn't yet know the full story, and nightmare wasn't about to tell him.
It wasn't his place to say.
Besides he didn't know how the enderman would react. Would he kill Phil? Not that nightmare would mind, but Phil was an angel of death, and no doubt that Death would not like seeing her angel back in her realm so soon.
The rest of the walk back was silent, neither of them knew what to say to each other.
But soon enough the clearing came into view and nightmare sunk through the ground to go wake the kiddo up, he was still asleep surprisingly.

"Kid, kid come on it's time to wake up."
Nightmare said quietly in the kids mind.
Tommy stirred and opened his eyes slightly

"Nightmare?" He said raspily, his voice still hoarse from sleep.

"It's time to get up kiddo, Ranboo's at the clearing."

Tommy groaned but got up and put on the mask that lay next to him. Luckily he had changed out of the clothes he used to farm in so he wouldn't have to get dressed again.

"I need to get some new clothes soon."
He said rubbing the sleep from his eyes and standing up.

"There's a village around half a days walk from here, we have plenty of money in here so you can take some and buy some new clothes."

"What? You're not gonna make me kill people and steal clothes from them?"

"Nah, I'm giving you a break kid, no need to go killing so often, I mean you still need to get a little better at fighting if you wanna go against Dream any time soon."

"And how would I do that?"


"Wait, ranboo's gonna teach me how to fight?"

"Yep! Why else do you think he's here?"

Tommy groaned but didn't say anything as he made his way up the stairs to the clearing.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter, sorry that it's late.
I just wanted to say that I implore you to read the next chapter, no it isn't to do with the story but it is still VERY important.
Anyway, thank you again and I hope you liked this chapter (there were a few hints again)

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