Chapter 37 - Resolve

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Oh my god I'm back!
I'm so sorry for being gone for a month, it's been really hard to get into a routine with so much happening in my personal life, I will try and write more regularly but I can't promise.
Anyway! Onto the chapter!!!!!


Tommy was scared.
He knew what was happening, what was going to happen.
But he couldn't decide whether or not he should be grateful. He had been through so much pain his entire life, he had thought for so long that he would be better off if he didn't remember any of it.
So really this was a dream come true right?
Surely he would be better off not remembering and being able to start over.
He could move away from everyone, live in a little cabin in the woods, or even the nether, he always did love it there. He could hunt and explore and find so many new people.
It seemed like a dream come true!

Like a dream...

He couldn't leave.
He couldn't let Dream continue to breathe.
He couldn't let Dream continue to hurt others as he had hurt nightmare, as he had hurt Tommy and Tubbo and Wilbur and EVERYONE in the SMP.
He had no right to hurt so many people and now he had to pay the price.

No matter how badly he wanted to leave and start a new life he knew he couldn't.
Not with Dream still alive.

But maybe afterwards.

Maybe he will finally move on once Dream is dead.

Or maybe he might find peace in death while trying...

Tubbo stood in his office, schlatt's old office, and looked out at the new L'Manburg. It had all changed so much. All of the Christmas decorations had been taken down and there was an obelisk where the tree once stood. A memorial. For Tommy.
He turned away. He didn't want to think about that, not right now. He had a lot of work to do.
He could see Fundy and Quackity talking beside the houses. He didn't know what about but he could make a guess.
They were still angry at Technoblade for involving himself in the destruction of L'Manburg. They wanted revenge, but Tubbo told them, ordered them even, to lay down their weapons and to not harm his adoptive brother.
It was because of Techno that Tubbo was even alive. He offered Tubbo a home, he offered him food, warmth and even a shoulder to cry on. He didn't want to lose his brother, not another one.
He saw Phil approaching, his eyes sharpened as he glared at the man. He didn't trust the winged man one bit. Sure he adopted Tubbo, but he didn't CARE for him like a parent should have. Hell he cared more about the dirt he walked on then he did about Tubbo!
His eyes trailed Phil as the man got into his own house and closed the door.
He wouldn't trust that man as far as an enderpearl could teleport him. But he had to keep the act up in public. To keep Tommy safe.

But he didn't need to keep him safe anymore.

He was dead.

He was safe.

'Don't you want to keep your friends safe too?
Don't you want them to be unharmed?
HE will hurt them all if he lives.
You need to kill him.
Kill him.
You know you want to.
Why not?
It will be easy.
Do it.'

Tubbo zoned out as the voices got louder. He wanted to listen, he really did, but it was hard when his mind didn't feel like his own. Flashes of memories passed through his conscious as the voices continued.
He didn't know when he had moved but when he snapped back to his senses he found himself walking towards where Fundy and Quackity stood. They looked over and waived at him with a smile.
He wanted to protect those smiles.
He didn't want them to be hurt anymore.
He wanted to keep them safe.

"Hey guys" he said while waving.

"Hey Tubbo"
"Hey man" they all smiled at each other, Quackity placed a hand onto Tubbo's shoulder.
"We're planning on going to nether to get some netherite armour, you wanna come with us?"
Tubbo's eyes widened, the nether was dangerous! They could die there!
Tubbo grabbed onto both of their hands and held tightly.
"No! You can't go!" He shook his head wildly trying to dispel the distorted images of his two close friends burnt and bloody.
Fundy and Quackity looked at each other. They knew what was going through Tubbo's head and they felt pity on the boy.
"Okay, we'll stay in the overworld, don't worry." Fundy said.
"Yeah man, you don't have to worry about us."

Tubbo looked up at the two, "promise?" He said through tearful eyes.
Quackity wiped away the tears just as he had done during schlatt's reign, "we promise not to go to the nether."
He sniffled. "Thank you."
The two hugged the smaller boy tightly. So much for getting netherite. Sam or Foolish might have some they could trade for if they felt generous, it was worth a shot, neither of them wanted to upset Tubbo, not after everything that has happened.

Tubbo stood between the two with a small smile on his face knowing that they would be safe.
He could keep them safe.

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