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Unedited, sorry guys! Work has me super busy!

Harry rushed into the room that smelt like cardboard boxes. His heart was beating out of his chest from running to get their on time.

Louis has pulled him into his room before he left, dropping to his knees to give him some of the best head of his life.

They shared jokes and I love you's, and there was so much more than they wanted so say, wanted to keep doing. But Harry showing up this appointment was more important. No matter how stressful it was for them.

Harry wasn't nervous, he wasn't worried and he wasn't feeling anything that he shouldn't be feeling.

He was ready to speak his truth, he was ready to release himself from the dark smoke he has been hiding himself behind for too long.

He opened the door, "sorry guys, I know I'm late." He pleaded, moving to his seat next to Alexis.

Her eyes were bloodshot, a thin line of a mouth looking at him with fury. She had obviously been crying, obviously of been clenching her jaw tightly until this very moment. She looked at him almost dazed and confused by her husbands appearance, her husband in general. Not knowing what to say to him as he looked at the therapist.

"Good evening Harry," she smiled at the man, "I hope we are all ready for todays session."

Harry nodded, "I am. Please, start." He put his hands out for emphasis.

"Would you like to start Alexis?"

"Yes. Where the fuck were you last night Harry?" She said, moving her body to look at Harry.

This caused the man to leaning against the arm rest on his side, relaxed, comfortable, "with Louis."

Alexis looked like she was ready to accuse him of lying before she realized that he didn't lie. He was being completely honest with her. And she closed her mouth.

"Louis?" The therapist asked, "okay, in what way are we speaking?"

"In the way she is assuming." He admitted, "I have been cheating on you with Louis mentally for about a few months, and I cheated on you with him physically the night of the Halloween party." He said, his voice oozing with zero care. "And last night." He looked at his wife, "also I kissed him, before the Halloween party. So I guess that counts too."

Alexis was frozen, her heart slowing in beats, she couldn't believe what he was saying, and she couldn't believe this was real life. All of her thoughts were coming true. Harry had cheated on her with Louis.

"I-, what? How did this even happen? You don't even like men!" She protested, the intensity in the room was having an effect on everyone but Harry.

He knew what was going to happen, he had planned this all day, he had known the reaction he was going to get. He expected every single of question or comment that she was going to make, and planned an exact answer he was going to give.

"I like Louis though." He spoke, "I'm sorry Alexis, I am. And at one point in my life we loved each other so much. But you also did not help keep that love going, we are both at fault. But I tried when you walked away. Ever since we got our higher status- I had no idea who you were."

This caused the stress woman to stare at the man intensely. She was at loss for words, she didn't want to believe this was the end of her relationship.

"I think that should've been something that you guys talked about in the past Harry." The older woman said. "I know this news is shocking and hurtful Alexis. But this is also something that you knew, and he is being honest here."

"I just want a divorce. I want a divorce and I want to leave this room and never come back." He stated, "I know that my actions were shitty, and I want to feel bad and guilty. But I also don't feel either of those."

"So what? You're going to just up and leave? After everything? You love him?"

"I do."

That was the last straw for Alexis, her choked sobs finally coming out of her mouth. She gasped for air, taking the tissues in front of her. "I can't believe this."

"Yeah, me either." Harry said. "I can't believe this either. I never expected this to happen or plotted this. So don't think that. It was just something that happened, something that caused this change."

She snorted through tears, "the Louis effect?"

Harry chuckled, "yeah. The Louis effect."

"I won't ever forgive you."

"That's fine. You don't have to. Just know that you and I will be a lot happier. Sign the papers, they're in my desk."

"So you've been planning this? How long?" She asked, "how long have you known?"

"I don't know, awhile." He shrugged, a weight lifted off his shoulders. "Long enough at least."

"And you love him? Like actually are in love? Will you even be able to hold a relationship with him? A man?"

"Yes. To all those things."

Alexis shook her head, trying to look everywhere but Harry. He knew she felt sick to her stomach, he knew that this was probably tearing her apart. But a sigh left her lips.

"I'll sign the papers."

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