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Having Louis work in the office with him was a mixture of a win and lose situation.

Winning was that he was fast, organized and always was on time. Sometimes he showed up to the meetings before Harry.

Placing out the papers and setting up the PowerPoint getting on with the presentation, then Harry would walk in and see everyone listening to Louis with full attention.

"You see," he said, not even glancing at Harry to draw attention to the man, "stocks could rise by 0.6%, but I personally wouldn't chance it."

The taller of the two would sit and watch with them, smiling as Louis would crack a snarky joke, or turn the presentation on to him.

The other good part was that he loved everyone in the office, he already had inside jokes with them, went out to with them on weekends.

Sometimes Harry would over hear people talking about his dancing, but that was a part of the bad side.

Harry couldn't help but see how everyone would stare at Louis' bum in the tight suit pants, including himself.

Or how when he cracked a joke- everyone laughed too hard.

People talked about his dancing but that meant that Louis was inviting them to see him.

Maybe it was jealously, but Harry wouldn't ever even come close to admitting that.

Him and Alexis fought regularly about Louis working at the office, but he told her that he really had no problem with it.

"Why do you care so much?" He would ask while sipping his wine.

"What of a partner company finds out you have a stripper working for you company? Doesn't that reflect badly on you?" Her voice would raise and then lower then she realized that really she wasn't going to get a reaction. "I'm just scared for business."

"Don't be. He is doing great, partners love him, and so what? That's just as much as a job as doing what I do. And he does both, it's incredible."

She would furrow her eyebrows at him and shake her head. Bewildered by the admiration that Harry had for him.

Zayn was caught off guard by it too, how Harry would follow Louis around, making jokes, actual fucking jokes.

The raven haired man never heard Harry try to make an attempt at conversation, so a joke was something that completely shocked him.

Louis would roll his eyes, laugh but not over do it, "you're an idiot." He would smile.

Harry would unconsciously take a step forward, making sure to tower over Louis.

The smaller man would move his hand up to his tie, tracing it up and down, "she tie these for you in the morning? Mr. Styles."

That was another bad thing, he was obsessed with Louis' suggestive tones and reminders that he was married.

He wanted Harry and sadly Harry wanted him too, but they both just made passive jokes.

It started after Louis' comment on his first day.

Harry would slowly walk behind him while he was making copies in his office, placing his hands on his hips, "looking good in these jeans."

Louis would shrug him off, "please, Styles. You couldn't handle me."

Trust it, in a way he was right.

As Harry would go home and take his sexual frustrations up with Alexis, which was the only time she wasn't having something shallow to say, he would close his eyes and picture Louis.

How his bum would look spread out over him, or how his finger would get lost on the thickness of his thighs.

He was obsessed, utterly obsessed with the idea of him and Louis sleeping together.

Charolette knocked on the door, slowly opening it to reveal Louis and Harry at the desk discussing stats.

"Sorry to interrupt," she said with her signature sweet smile, "Mrs. Styles is in the lobby. She has files from the firm."

Louis raised his eyebrows and look at Harry, the man with the linger hair flipped him off and stood up.

"Thank you, send her up."

Charolette nodded with a mischievous smile and left.

The shorter man stood up and packed up his things, "let me know when she is gone."

"Stay." Harry ordered, "it's a merger. With her company."

"Her company? What do you mean?"

"She does work. New job, but they wanna merge. I'll need you to asses the files."

"Hopefully she brought one of her friends husbands with her." Louis winked, taunting Harry.

He knew that Harry got jealous, it was written all over his face.

Louis was the mastermind to every one of the rumors that spread around the office, that the guys saw him dance, or he took the copy boy home one night.

He loved to see the reaction on his face, or how he would get flustered at the thought of someone else touching him.

It was all light hearted fun with Harry, he wouldn't ever home-wreck a relationship. It wasn't something that he really had interest doing.

But to see Harry jealous or red in the face over him, it boosted his confidence.

The tall dark haired woman walked in, her smile shortly snipping into a straight line at the sight of Louis, "oh, hi." She clipped, trying to sound polite.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Styles." Louis said, too polite that he knew it was killing her. "Looking absolutely beautiful."

She smiled, it was a half real one, "thank you."

Harry stuck his hand out for the files, "is there a price?"

This is when Louis stopped with the teasing and listened carefully, he was dedicated to his work and wasn't one to only play games on the job.

"A million."

Louis snorted, "no way." He whispered.

This caused the married woman to look at him with a gaped mouth, "excuse me?"

"We just merged with J&K for a price that was alittle steep. There has to be other option besides a million." Louis said, taking the file out of Harry's willing hand.

Alexis stared at her husband with eyes that could kill, giving him a 'who the hell is he?' Look.

"He is right, J&K killed our stats we have a 4 month-"

"Wrong," Louis said, eyes never leaving the paper, "3 month recovery time."

Harry couldn't help but smile, "3 month recovery time. There has to be other options."

Alexis nodded, upset that her husband was allowing Louis to talk about his business like this.

"A meeting?"

"Sounds lovely." Louis smiled, "how about tomorrow night? At the club? Free shot night."

Harry snorted, realizing he was laughing he stopped himself.

"No." Alexis said.

"Not a bad idea, people always make the best deals drunk."

"Are you kidding?" She snapped.

"No." They both said in unison.

"I'll have Zayn call."

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