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I love this story so much, I had to update three times 😬


"No, you're supposed to hold it like this." Louis said, adjusting the cigarette in Harry's hand, "you were holding it like it was a joint." He teased and causing Harry to just roll his eyes.

They were at Louis and Niall's day off party, alcohol swirling in both of their bodies.

It has been a two weeks since the meeting, and Harry was feeling tired from all of the work that was being put on them.

He didn't know how Louis would work at the company and then go and dance. Just to wake up and do it all over again.

His admiration for the man was completely at its peak, and it was only getting harder for him to stay away from Louis.

"How do you do it?" Harry asked, looking at Louis.

He was stood a few inches shorter than Harry, a baggy sweater on and leggings, the fucking leggings sending Harry into intimate daydreaming every 6 minutes. But he tried to carry on a proper conversation with him.

They would both be lying if they said they weren't attached at the hip since the night Louis tried to bring someone home.

The day after Louis went straight to Harry's office and apologized to him, thanking him for not allowing him to be taken advantage of.

But all Harry did was shrug, reassuring Louis that it was fine and everyone at some point has had drunk one night stands.

Though Zayn didn't take it as lightly, he was pissed off at Louis the morning after, telling him that he should be smarter.

But the two ended up laughing it off at how Harry was really ready to fight the poor man.

They did Harry impressions the whole way to work, making fun of him with light hearts and inside jokes.

"Do what?" Louis asked, swaying closer to Harry.

He was slowly warming up to the man, he couldn't resist it sometimes.

The urge to touch his long hair, the urge to touch his chest.

Louis thought he could push the attraction away, he could forget about it, but after that night he couldn't forget how his heart swelled up when Harry said he was wearing his tattoos out because he liked them.

"You work so perfect at the office, you never miss a detail or skip a beat then you go and work at the club. It's actually insane how much I admire your dedication to what you do." Harry said, they were so close to each other.

The tips of their toes touching, they looked at each other with the warming eyes they usually gave one another.

"I suffer from bad anxiety sometimes. That's why I never was this way in high school. I bury myself in work to calm myself down. I hate feeling this way, and sometimes it's the only distraction I have." Louis admitted, feeling vulnerable.

He never shared this with anyone else but Zayn, Niall and Liam. He wasn't one to talk about his most scary times, the feeling of him dying being a constant knife in his head. He was starving for reassurance, a brush of calming wind. He just wanted to feel like he wasn't being attacked all the time.

Harry frowned a bit, he reached out to place a hand on Louis' shoulder, "I think you're doing amazing. Never stop being you." He said, "you are exactly what everyone wants to be, and it's okay to feel like the world is attacking you. But just know that this world is too cruel for people who shine like you, and though it may always have something to say. None of it is true."

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