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This song is the reason this chapter exist! Thanks.


"Oh Harry," Louis mumbled with a mix of a giggle.

Harry had woken up from what felt like the best sleep of this life. He rolled over to open his eyes, his sleep filled head expected to see Alexis. But he was pleased to see Louis.

He noted that the man's eyelashes touched the top of his cheeks, his mouth parted with such small almost unnoticeable snores coming. He smiled to himself, watching the man sleep. He was at peace and it was the most wonderful thing that Harry has ever seen.

He reached out, placing a palm softly on Louis' cheek. The stupid smirk growing into a full blown smile.

He rolled on his back, staring at the ceiling. He felt like an entirely different person.

He closed his eyes, remembering Louis and him making love last night. How the man's hands felt on him, how they intertwined their bodies together in a way that was only meant for themselves. He will never forget how Louis sounded, how he felt, how everything went.

He was starstruck, he was in awe with himself. And for once, he was happy. Smiling. Joy filled his heart, making his stomach bubble.

Louis stirred, opening his eyes slowly. He shifted to look up at Harry, the same smile Harry had on matching his.

A sense of relief washed over the man, Harry was still there, happy that he was just as thrilled about what happened as he was.

It wasn't that he had no faith in Harry, he was just anxious that he would've woken up in regret. He would've told Louis that what they did was wrong or that they should've been smarter. But there Harry was, looking at him with that beautiful happy smile.

"Good morning beautiful," Harry said, moving his face closer to Louis' kissing his morning stubble. Nuzzling his nose in between his chin and neck. "You look so pretty sleeping."

"Oh Harry," Louis mumbled with a mix of a giggle. "You're awfully happy this morning." He tested, moving his hand to caress down Harry's back.

The curly haired man moved his face away to look at the other man. "Maybe it's cause I woke up next to you. After the best night of my life."

"The best, huh?"

"The best." He confirmed. "I don't think I have ever felt so lucky to have someone by my side."

Louis beamed, unable to form words at Harry's sweetness. He couldn't believe that he was saying these kind of things to him, or that Harry even felt them.

He chalked it up to the fact that Harry was just lust bound. Feeling the after shock of what they did the night before. There was no way Harry was actually meaning what he was saying.

"I think you're just a little love sick." Louis said. Trying to not deny what the man was saying, but also not getting his hopes up that what Harry was saying was what he really felt.

"No, Louis." Harry said, kissing the man's lip. "I mean it. From my heart. I have waited to be with you like this for so long. And I'm so happy to be with you. I never felt like this before."

"Can I say it?"

"I love you." They both mumbled into each other's mouth. Their tongues meeting in the middle, soft sighs and moans coming from them.

They kissed and admired each other's bodies for almost two hours after waking up, talking about nothing, laughing at everything. Just two people happily in love with being in love with each other.

The men finally decided to get out of bed when they realized that they both were definitely late for work, but they decided maybe they should just take the day off. Spending the entire day together didn't sound like a bad idea.

But they both knew as soon as six came, Harry had to go to his therapy session.

Louis walked into the kitchen, stopping at the sight of Zayn and Liam sitting at the kitchenette. Eyes already trained to where he was coming from.

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist, not catching sight of the two men that were looking at them unamused.

"What's wrong?" Harry said, bending down to kiss the man's cheek. Whispering how beautiful he was in his ear.

Zayn let out a fake cough, causing Harry to look up immediately. Not pulling away from Louis.

"Oh, you're here. Good morning!"

Zayn looked at the man dumbfounded, confused as to who he was. He had never seen Harry look like he was glowing, or even remotely happy.

"Yeah, im here. This is where I live." He replied, "and it's almost the afternoon. I called you guys to call out, but Charlotte said you both weren't in. Now I see why."

Liam sat there, nervously biting his lip. It was like he knew what was coming and he wanted to run and hide.

Louis knew too, and he was ready to flee with Liam to wherever his hiding spot was.

As Harry looked at Zayn, knowingly, totally unfazed or troubled by the stern look that was on his face. He chose to let go of Louis and step forward, guiding the man to where the others were.

"So, you guys both called out too?" Zayn asked, "seems like you guys definitely look like you needed to." His tone was dry and cold.

Louis got chills down his spine, he never seen Zayn like this. He didn't understand why he was so upset, he was old enough to make his own decisions.

Harry looked at Zayn upset, "don't be like this."

"I told you." He warned, looking at Louis, "and you? What do you need to say to for yourself? Sleeping with him, he is married. Hell, you know his wife!"

"So it's easier to sleep with married men when you don't know their spouses?" Louis fired back, his voice small and showing no signs of anger.

Liam put his hand up to stop the argument before it could even begin.

"We aren't doing this."

"Yes we are." Zayn seethed, "you can't seriously be sticking up for these two right now."

"Sticking up? No. Not being hypocrites? Yes. Look at us Zayn, we are how we are because we went through the same struggle they are. Why be upset?"

Harry looked between the couple, sighing, "listen. It's really okay that he is upset. I understand. Louis is someone he wants to protect from the mistakes he has made, he has hurt the same way that Louis has. It's understandable and I'm not upset." He said.

"You know nothing about anything." Zayn said, "I'm upset because I told you guys something and you didn't listen. I told you to please wait, and I don't see any divorce in the making, so what?"

"He is asking for a divorce today." Louis said, "or else I wouldn't of done it. You know that. You know me."

The raven haired man looked at Louis, his features softening, "I'm disappointed."

"Me too."

"Then why?"

"I love him." Harry and Louis said together. Their eyes locking at how shocked they were when they both said it.

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