CH-1 The Road To Our Paths

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Midoriya's POV
I was 5 years old when it started, when my short lived happiness started. I was in the playground with Kacchan and two of his friends, they had all recently gained their quirks and Kacchan's quirk was incredibly powerful. He could create explosions on his palms, we were best friends but when his quirk came he changed. He started acting like he was the king of the world, bullying me whenever he got the chance. He started bullying others too and that's when I had enough of him, I was a quirkless kid but I could still stand up to him.

I walked in front of a kid who was laying on the ground after being pushed by Kacchan, I took a fighting stance and prepared to fight. I knew that I didn't stand a chance but I still had to stand. To be like him. To be like All Might. This however didn't get me far, they all beat me with their quirks until I was on the ground. The boy who I tried to protect just ran away leaving me there, I began to think that nobody would ever care for me, believe in me and just laid there waiting for something to happen but knew nothing would. That was until she showed up.
"Hey. Are you okay?" A girl with short purple hair and earphone jacks coming from her ears.
"A-Are y-you t-ta-talking t-to me?" I asked confused.
"Yeah, I noticed that you always hung out with them but they always bully you. Why do you stay with them?" She asked. Why is she being so nice to me?
"They were my only friends" I said with a hint of sadness.
"So what are you going to do now?" She asked as I sat up.
"They are my only friends... I will just go back to them"
"They'll just hit you again, you know that right?" She asked with worry.
"I don't have anyone else to go to" I said whilst looking down.
"What if... I be your friend?" She suggested.
"Why would you want to be friends with me? I'm just a quirkless nobody" I said whilst I started to cry.
"What does being quirkless have to do with it? I want to be your friend" She extended her arm out to me and I grabbed it allowing her to help me up.
"I-I'm Izuku Midoriya" I said quietly.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Kyoka Jiro"

From that day on I never hung around with Kacchan or his friends again, I spent every day with Kyoka. We became best friends in no time, which wasn't that difficult since we were each other's only friend. I always felt that Kyoka didn't get any other friends because she was friends with me but whenever I brought it up she said that she would rather be friends with me alone than have a hundred friends which weren't me. She was always so kind to me and her parents were too, they treated me as though I was family to the point where I started to call them Auntie and Uncle. Kyoka also met my Mum and she called her Auntie like I did with her parents, we spent all of our time together doing everything with each other. We never kept secrets from each other, she knew that I wanted to be a hero like All Might and she said that she also wanted to become a hero so we worked together to achieve that goal. She knew that I was quirkless but she still believed in me, she believed that I could be a hero, she was the only person to believe in me. I always hoped that one day I could meet All Might so that he could tell me what I always wanted to hear. That I could be a hero.

After 9 years of meeting Kyoka that day finally happened. That day started just as terrible as always with Kacchan. Me and Kyoka met up everyday at a station near the school, it was about half way between our houses so it was the perfect place to meet. Once we met up we went to school together trying to avoid as many people as possible but as always Kacchan shows up just to torment us.
"What the hell are you two nerds doing?" Kacchan grunted at us.
"We're going to school BakuBitch" Kyoka exclaimed. She was always braver than me and would defend me whenever he tried anything.
"Tch, just stay out of my way. You're both pathetic" He said before leaving.
"Well, he seems to be in a good mood this morning" I joked causing Kyoka to giggle slightly, we continued our way to the classroom and sat down at the back. We listened to everything the teacher taught us but I already knew all of it and Kyoka was lazy so usually had me teach her all of the stuff after school, although our teachers voice is incredibly boring so I couldn't blame her. He decided to torment us though whenever he could as I was quirkless and she was my friend, he was talking about high schools we were going to and he mentioned that me and Kyoka were going to apply to UA. This of course angered Kacchan and he knew it so let everything happen. He set off explosions on both of our desks causing us both to fall down onto the ground.
"YOU SERIOUSLY THINK YOU CAN GET INTO UA WITHOUT A QUIRK STUPID DEKU. AND YOU... YOUR QUIRK IS PATHETIC, YOU'LL NEVER GET INTO UA. JUST GIVE UP" Kacchan screamed at us. Tears started to form in my eyes as it was my dream and I would never get used to him telling me to give up even though I heard it everyday. Kyoka on the other hand just sighed and ignored him, she was used to his bullshit and didn't deal with it anymore.

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