CH-10 An Unlikely Alliance

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Jiro's POV
Blade had just given me my locket back by placing it around my neck, I was shocked. Not because he gave me the locket back but because of how he did it, it was the same way Izuku used to put necklaces on me whenever he tried to treat me to jewellery. Mina snapped me out of my thoughts when she touched my shoulder.
"JIRO, you okay?" She asked trying to get my attention.
"Y-Yeah..." I said whilst looking down at my hand. I had a lock of his hair that fell out whilst he was leaning over me, it was a dark green colour and it looked exactly like Izuku's hair. I gripped onto it hard before following Mina as we ran towards the main camp, we encountered Mr Aizawa there and he was concerned as to how we were doing but we assured him that we were alright. We agreed to not tell anyone about what happened with Blade but that got difficult once we entered the classroom with some other people who had gotten to safety.
"JIRO, MINA ARE YOU OKAY?" Kaminari asked desperately.
"Yeah we're fine" Mina answered for us.
"Jiro your arm, is it okay?" He asked.
"Yeah it's fine, it's just a small cut" I lied.
"What's that?" He asked whilst pointing to Blade's mask.
"Uh... Uhm... It's just a piece of cloth I used to stop the bleeding" I lied again.
"Where did you get it? It looks kinda like that weird guys mask" He asked again.
"Huh, I guess it does" I replied whilst sitting down far away from everyone else.

It wasn't long before the police, firemen and ambulances arrived, I was taken to the hospital to get my arm stitched up. I made sure to hide Blade's mask and keep it safe, I wanted to give it back to him when I thanked him properly for saving my life. I also wanted to use it as an opportunity to confirm whether it was Izuku or not. After get stitched up Mina was waiting for me and we spent the rest of the day together, Bakugo was kidnapped by the villains and we were worried about him. I avoided telling Mina about the fact that I believe more than ever that he is Izuku as I knew what she would say but she decided to bring it up as we were heading back to the dorms.
"Why did you help him?" Mina asked referring to Blade.
"He helped me, I just wanted to thank him" I explained.
"So it wasn't because you thought he was Izuku?" She questioned.
"Uhhh... No..." I semi-lied. I did want to thank him for helping me but I also thought he was Izuku, by getting close to him I was hoping that I could tell. I started to think that he wasn't Izuku when he grabbed my hand roughly but the moment he looked into my eyes all of his tension suddenly vanished, it was as though he felt regret for hurting me. He also kind of admitted that he did care about me, but didn't give a reason as to why.
"Jiro, I understand that for some weird reason he cares about you. However he is a villain, he slaughters heroes without hesitation. You should stay away from him" Mina pleaded.
"I know but... There's something about him, I just don't know what" I explained.
"Don't tell me you're falling in love with him?" She asked worryingly.
"I... I don't know..." I whispered. We walked in silence until we made it back to the dorms, we sat down in front of the TV only to see that All Might was fighting some villain. I looked closer to see that Blade along with the rest of the League of Villains went through a portal to escape the area. I guess he is just a villain, he won't just come over and change his ways.

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