CH-8 Acceptance

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Jiro's POV
The sports festival ended about a week ago and we did some internships, I went with DeathArms. He trained me all the time and I even got to help out in the evacuation part of a hostage situation, the training wasn't so bad thanks to the training I did to get into UA. What happened on the beach with Blade was still on my mind, I knew that it wasn't Izuku but he still caught my interest. He wasn't a normal villain. I still hadn't talked to All Might though he tried, I had warmed up to Yaoyorozu and Kaminari a little bit but I hadn't talked to my other classmates. Two of my classmates, Todoroki and Iida, had encountered the Hero Killer Stain, I was a little worried about them when I heard what happened but still wasn't comfortable talking to them especially Iida. I watched that attack on the news and saw that the seemingly calm villain who didn't make any attempt to kill me had slaughtered half a dozen heroes without hesitation. This made me wonder who he actually is and why he seems to let his guard down around me.

I just woke up pretty early in the morning for me and went downstairs after getting into my school uniform to grab some breakfast. After getting something to eat from the kitchen I sat down on a table as far away from the few people who were already downstairs as possible so I could eat in peace. Mina and Kaminari came down soon after me and sat down at my table, Kaminari sat next to me as he always does cracking jokes at every corner. Yaoyorozu came down a few minutes later but didn't sit down straight away.
"You okay Momo?" Mina asked.
"Yeah, do you mind if Todoroki joins us?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"I don't mind" Mina said before looking at me and Kaminari.
"Sure, it's up to Jiro though" Kaminari answered.
"Sure" I whispered. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki sat our table next to Mina and they began talking amongst themselves, Todoroki didn't talk much but it was still more than me.

After eating we made our way to class and I sat down in my seat at the back of the class, Todoroki sat in the seat next to me and decided to speak up before Mr Aizawa arrived.
"Are you okay with me joining your group? If not I will hang out with others, I don't want to intrude" He asked.
"It's fine, I don't mind" I whispered.
"Are you okay? You seem less like yourself" He questioned.
"I've just got something on my mind" I admitted.
"Do you want to talk about?"
"No, I just want to focus on the exams" I said.
"Okay" He said turning his head to face the front of the class.

Mr Aizawa entered the classroom a little later and handed out test papers, we were about to spend the day doing exams and if we passed them we could go to a training camp. I was excited about it at first because I enjoyed camping but whenever I thought of it I only thought of Izuku, we had gone camping a few times together and it was always a lot of fun. He always knew a lot about the stars so if it was a clear night we would just lay on the ground and he would tell me all about them, thinking back it was actually quite romantic and I keep wishing that I had told him how I felt on one of those days. Then he might still be with me.

After the written part of the exam was over I felt pretty confident about how I did, we went to have lunch right after and Todoroki joined us again. They were quite worried about what would be in the practical portion of the exam this afternoon.
"What do you guys think will be on the practical?" Mina asked.
"I bet we'll be going against those robots" Kaminari exclaimed.
"I doubt that" I said causing everyone to look at me.
"What do you mean?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"We went against them for the entrance exam, I doubt they would use them to assess us against them to see our improvement" I explained whilst looking at my food so I didn't have to look at them.
"She's right, it wouldn't be much of a test for us" Todoroki agreed.
"Oh well, I guess we should wait until the exam. It's too late to prepare for anything now anyway" Mina said.
"You did train right?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"Yeah of course" Mina said in an unconvincing voice.

We finished eating our lunch and went straight to the changing rooms to get changed for the practical exam, once I got out of the changing rooms Kaminari was the only one already out. He decided to talk to me since I was warming up to him and Yaoyorozu.
"So, you doing okay?" He asked with his signature smile.
"I guess" I replied.
"Something on your mind?" He asked.
"Just one thing" I answered.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"It's about Izuku" I said.
"Izuku?" He was confused as I hadn't told him about that part of my life even though he was most of my life.
"It'll take too long to explain. He was a childhood friend, lets just leave it at that" I said in a sad tone.
"Okay, you can tell me when you feel it's right. I don't mind waiting" He said whilst grinning.
"Thanks" I whispered. I was happy that he cared and was letting me tell him things in my own time, I was starting to like him but not in a romantic way. He was always quite flirtatious with me and only me but he knew that I didn't feel the same way, that didn't stop him though.

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