Chapter 4: Blockade

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Few weeks have passed since our last mission, and I was so eager to fly and fight against Eruseans. As we wait for our next mission, me and my buddies went workout, watching movies, and pranking SkyEye. And lets just say he didn't like it and decided to whack us on our heads with a wooden spoon and scolded us. Yep, he will definitely became a good father. Jason being our brother, Alex, Me, and Frank being-

"No, you're our baby 'lil brother." Frank jumped in.


"First of all, you're the youngest in our group." Alex explained, "And Second, you always whine when we took your burger."

"But that's a soft burger patty with Sunny-side up egg, two piece of perfect non-curled bacon, melted mozzarella cheese, and a cooked burger patty that I like and YOU took it!" I retorted.

SkyEye grins and teases, "Oh, does the baby need a pacifier to calm himself down?"

"Shut up, James."

7th of November, 2004. We received the news we'd been dying to hear. Racing each other to the briefing room, and we almost bumped to Weaver. I apologize while smiling sheepishly, Weaver slightly smiles and shook his head before we begin our briefing.

"We've discovered the Erusians are transporting a large quantity of strategic supplies and rapid deployment troops into Comberth Harbor. Comberth appears to be the staging area for an attack on North Point. The Aegir Fleet stationed there seems to be the centerpiece of their strike. If the Erusians complete their troop preparations and the Aegir Fleet sets sail, this will bring about our defeat in this war. Your mission is to intercept and shoot down the enemy transport planes in and around Comberth Harbor. Let's show them how vulnerable they are. Be advised, the transport aircraft have ECMs onboard that emit powerful jamming signals. Rely on visual contact rather than radar!"

"Why do those bastards have to make our job more difficult?" Frank groaned, standing up and heading to the hangar. "I hate ECMs."

"Except when they're on our side, right?" I looked at SkyEye, smirking. He rolls his eyes and chuckles slightly.

All of us pilots got into our planes, and take off from the aircraft carrier. If these jammers will give us a hard time, then we will give them a hard pain.

7 November, 2004 1226hrs
NorthWest of Comberth Harbor

Few hours have passed and we reach the AO. The sky is clear qnd we are ready to fight.

"Mobius One, SkyEye here," AWACS said. "You should be getting visual on the transports soon. Destroy the E767s hidden nearby to clear the jamming from our radar. Good luck!"

"So, Halo 1. What's our gameplay?" I asked.

"Let's take down fighters first then the transport planes. If possible, take down those jammers as soon as possible." He explained. I didn't need to hear more words as I hit the engine fast and spotted three F-16s. I began firing my first target with missiles, and both landed a hit. The other two broke off, began to chase the other one. As I have a lock on the plane, I didn't realize that bastard went near the jammers.

"Damn these jamming interruption." Frank grunted. "Can someone take care of it?"

"I have hands on the fighter right now." I replied as I used my guns to shoot at him. Few damage taken and the enemy pilot yaws upward, I follow in pursuit and keep firing my cannons. In just a matter of seconds, his wings completely damage and falls fast to the ground.

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