The Encounter

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~Fufufu I'll keep this very short and simple like moi.
~Make sure to stay healthy, keep yourself in check, as well as sleep and eat well
~Hope you guys had an amazing Thanksgiving dinner
~Now, onto le story!

Continuing on My Little Demons:
"Close enough for my understanding. I'll make some food now, don't worry."


After cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the babies had their fill and decided to go play once more. You smiled as their little giggles and squeals flooded the room once more, and sat to the side skimming through books.

The one that really reeled you in was the book Law was staring down earlier. Now that you were looking closer, the book had various notes squeezed between pages, manually highlighted sections, and worn down edges.

It looked archaic more than anything, and the date on the book's rear only supported the fact. 'What is this doing here?' As you flipped through more and more pages, you couldn't help but meticulously read through their side notes and findings.

'This is definitely not something that should be in a daycare.' So with thought, you placed it in your bag, hoping that once Law was old enough to read words, you'd give it to him. Yes, it was a book in the daycare, but it obviously contained very important findings that shouldn't have been lying around like that.

You wanted Law to live his childhood in fun rather than stuck in a book for hours, 'but then again, it seems like he'd rather be in a book than be here.' You laughed to yourself, imagining Law in a world of his own, hugging his polar bear blissfully smiling without anyone *ahemluffyahem* to bother him.

If only you could live in a dreamworld like that...

Suddenly a knock on the door reeled in your attention, your eyes locking with familiar pink frames.

"Oh?" You were surprised to see the flamingo appear once more, but then again, he did say something about his nephew coming over-

' his nephew already here? Or am I tripping?' Stuck in thought, you were—unknowingly—staring a bit too long at the blonde.

With a chuckle he bent down, a bit too close for your comfort, "As you may know, my nephew is here. But as much as I'd like to stay and crash the party, I have to take him home now."

You backed away, his words finally registering to your ears. Your face became beet red in embarrassment, disappearing once you finally got yourself over the initial shock.

"Ah, I'm guessing you're here for Law?"

"Well that took you long enough."

The man in pink glasses laughed at the fact that you took so long to realize he was here for Law, lifting them up to get a good look at you.

The man in pink glasses laughed at the fact that you took so long to realize he was here for Law, lifting them up to get a good look at you

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(I'm sneaking this in here 😌)

Grinning down at your figure, he realized just how small it was compared to his.

"I'll uh...go get him now."

Watching your figure scurrying away to grab Law, he couldn't help chuckle under his breath. As much as he wanted to play his little 'cat and mouse' game, he promised his brother not to touch the woman.

Putting his glasses back down, he saw your approaching figure holding a little toddler snuggled up in your arms.

"Here's Law. He's fast asleep, so make sure you don't move him around too much."

Handing him Law, you smiled as Law snuggled up against the man's feathers. "Go ahead and sign here, it's to log your leave."

Watching him sign the paper, you looked back at the other sleeping beans, all wrapped in their own blankies.

"Thank you. I'll take my leave now, doll~ buh bye."

With a grin, the pink chicken man walked out the room and out of your sight. Shaking your head, you walked over to the sleeping rocks, humming as you went. It was nice and quiet once againpurpo...but only for a little while.

Having fallen asleep on a bean bag, you waved off the knocks on the door as if it were nothing but a fly, not fully aware that it was a person. Soft knocks became full fledged banging on the poor door - almost harsh enough to blow it off its hinges.

You bolted awake, running to open the door, faced with an angry Nami.

You were a goner.

"Nami, I swear, I wasn't doing that on-"

"Y/n. I stood here for 15 minutes. 15. Newgate is waiting in the front for you," and with a giggle, she pointed to your face before walking away.

'What's wrong with my face?'

Running into the bathroom, you stared at the mirror for a good minute, adding an extra in to make sure you weren't hallucinating. And for sure, there were two googly eyes on your forehead and...what looked to be a mustache on your chin.

'Oh I have a good idea of who did this.'

Stepping out the bathroom smiling evilly, you looked right at the three trouble makers sitting on bean bag, sending shivers throughout their tiny trembling bodies.

"Did you three do this?"

Ace and Sabo only pointed at each other, while Luffy proceeded to pick his boogers.


Ok so, apparently Law is older than Luffy

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Ok so, apparently Law is older than 2 years...definitely should've taken that into account...along with Ace and Sabo but uhhhh


Pah I'll figure something out somehow

Hope u guys enjoyed

And again...thank you so much for reading my story 😭😭😭

My Little Demons (one piece x reader) Daycare styleWhere stories live. Discover now