What a Shy Little Wolf

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~fufufufu my dear readers, here is another chapter; a gift from me to you as a thank you for your support throughout this story. I honestly cannot believe the views, and the comments are the highlights of my day. If there is any way I can repay you, please do comment. Do you want me to make more chapters? Add any small characters? Add more cute pictures?

~y'all are honestly the best and I could not ask for more. I am once again sorry for posting so late, but I was stuck with writer's block and didn't know what to do/write for y'all.

~the pictures, again, are not mine :> but they're my life essence _| ̄|○

~only the story line and plot belongs to me, while characters forever and always to Oda

~as always, enjoy, and thank you for coming along on this long ride with me (<●>ω<●>)✧


Shocked, Rosinante thought they were your kids, seeing how well you and the boys bonded. Continuing to get to know each other, you set the kids on the big chair that Rosinante's was sitting on so that they would at least...try to get along.

"If you're not their mother, then you are...?"

You told him how you were hired as the new caretaker here at the daycare and asked him similar questions while you both watched over the kids.


*incoherent babbles and baby-talk*

Fighting amongst himself, Law was still figuring out whether to trust the new faces he had just met. Lost in thought, he didn't notice Luffy already crawling over to him. Once he noticed though, it was...too late.

Luffy was already attempting to stuff gis hat into his cheeks as if it was food, which lead to Sabo giving Luffy a whack to the head. Ace being Ace, giggled away at Luffy getting hit, only to be hit right after for laughing at the struggling form of Luffy.

Law, who was too shocked to even react, sat there in silence not knowing what to do. Realizing the strange kid tried to eat his favorite hat, he backed away in disgust, not wanting anything to do with them.

Curious as to why he was backing away, Luffy crawled closer. This only lead to the same thing over, and over again, Law becoming incredibly annoyed at the boy who kept tailing him.

You noticed what was happening and decided to interfere, excusing yourself from Rosinante for a moment. "Luffy, what are you doing? You're scaring him away."

Said baby looked up at you with watering eyes, not having expected you to look so disappointed. You sighed and gently pulled him up to your chest, "I'm not mad Luff, I'll get you some food later. But just so you know, that is a hat, not food."

Setting him down, you pat his and Law's head (who's name you learned after asking Rosinante). "Don't start chewin' on his hat again, alright? He just got here."

After that, you got back to Rosinante. "It's probably getting a bit close to 7 now, and I'm guessing you have work?" His eyes suddenly went as wide as saucers, "AH! As a matter of fact, I do have work! It was nice meeting you Y/n, I'll pick up Law around 6-7 tonight if that's alright?"

You lightly laughed at the rushed man, "Yes, anytime is alright with me." With one last wave, he ran off to his car, swiping his black feather coat off the hanger next to the door. He slightly tripped on the way out, but got right back up with a lopsided smile. "Bye Rosi! See you later."

And, he was gone.

You turned around to look at the four troublemakers, "Now, who's ready for some breakfast?"

At the sound of your voice, their eyes landed on you. Luffy drooled at the mention of breakfast, Sabo and Ace wanted up, and Law just looked like he didn't wanna be there. What a papa's boy, you giggled to yourself.

On your way to the playroom, you noticed Nami wasn't there at her desk, so you decided to give her a quick call to check and see where she was.

~ Time Skip ~

Since Nami was out for a bit, running a quick errand for Robin outside of the daycare, you decided to move onto your tiresome job, focusing your attention on the boys that occupied the mini table chairs.

You noticed that Law was scoped on the bookshelves, whilst the other boys were rather focused on the toy boxes in the other corner.

Sighing to yourself, you waved off to Ace and Sabo, letting them wobble off to their toys. Right when you moved to grab Luffy, he swatted your hand away, and wiggled right off his chair with a little stumble in his steps. Giggling, he got right back up and followed the other two to play.

You peeked over at Law who was still staring attentively at the books. Deciding to grab some of the books from the shelf, you brought them over to the little table. "You've been staring at them for quite a while," you smiled.

He silently stared at you for a second before grabbing a book and turning away. 'I feel like the cold side dish,' you silently sulked to yourself before reaching over to pat him on the head.

"If you have trouble reading something, call me over alright? I'm gonna go watch the other boys so the building doesn't burn down." As you walked away with a small wink, little Law watched as your figure began scolding Ace who was playing with his fire again.

Law, who was looking between the books then to you, decided to leave the books for another day... once he could actually read. Grabbing his stuffed panda, he trudged over to where you were sitting criss-crossed while holding Luffy in your lap.

Luffy who immediately noticed Law, got out of your lap to make friends with [aka pester] him. Law, not wanting anything to do with Luffy, quickly moved to hide on the other side of you. This went on for quite a while until you decided enough was enough. Grabbing both the backs of their shirts, you placed them on your lap facing one another.

But as the gods wouldn't have it, Luffy went for Law's hat again, completely disregarding what you had warned before. You quickly snatched the hat back before he could eat it, the latter only pouting at his "food" being taken away.

As both the lil babies sat on your lap watching each other intensely, you gave both of them a head pat, laughing at their little drama act. Luffy giggled like he always did, and Law just looked away all shy, reminding you of Zoro. Speaking of Zoro, you were wondering where he was. Telling yourself to call Mihawk later, you fixated your attention to the two on your lap once more.

Luffy, being the usual hungry baby he was, softly pulled at your shirt, "o..ub..ob..buh." You giggled at his futile efforts at trying to pronounce food, and stood up with the two still in your arms. "Close enough for my understanding. I'll make some food now, don't worry."


{Author's Note}

Hey you guys, I know it's been so long, but I just want to tell you guys again how much I appreciate and love you guys. Your comments are what make my day and bring a smile to my face (I'll make sure to add Dino boy, kid's first hand man, and our little special cook into future chapters). As you know, I'm in my junior year of Highschool, but I won't take these last two years of Highschool before college for granted. I'll make sure to have some updates here and there so look out for those. Updates won't be immediate (hence my "on hiatus" title), but I'll have them stacked for y'all during that time away, somehow.

This was supposed to be my last chapter before I actually stop updating, so I hope you guys enjoy(ed) it.

I hope my writing improves enough to make this story more enjoyable than before!

Bye bye and cyu later

- Lemmoni, you're beloved author <3

It's kinda funny how I really wanted to post this, but hadn't gotten to. I really hope you guys are doing alright and that school is going good so far. Please make sure to stay healthy you guys, and watch out for any updates...if I get to them 😭😭🥲

My Little Demons (one piece x reader) Daycare styleWhere stories live. Discover now