On Hiatus For Now

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Hey you guys, I'm going to be putting all my stories on hiatus for a while because I get easily distracted with anything concerning technology.

I'll probably write some chapters and keep them in drafts, but I won't post chapters until I take the story off hold.

I am so so grateful and I appreciate all of you guys for actually reading this story (even tho it seems like a waste of time 😭).

The fact that you guys even clicked on my story is something I could've never imagined.

I'm so sorry if I disappoint some of you, but disappointing my parents is more than I can handle. And plus, I disappointed myself in my sophomore year, so I wanna do better once I start my junior year.

I hope you guys can forgive me.

I'll probably rewrite everything anyways because my writing skills were kinda meh throughout the story.

See you guys when I come back in who knows how long!

Farewell for now,


My Little Demons (one piece x reader) Daycare styleWhere stories live. Discover now