Chapter 10

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Sittin' next to Leo, I try an' get her to eat her lunch. She's so tired she can barely eat but she hasn't ate since lunch yesterday. That on top of being extremely tired ain't a good combination. Even though she's tryin' to hide it from me, I can see her hands tremblin'.

She's been workin' really hard to get Cherry's fever down ever since Doc Martin left this mornin'. Pa, Hop Sing, an' me have been helpin' her all we can by fetchin' all the cold water an' clean cloths a body could want. We hoped that she would rest an' let one of us take over for a few hours but she's one stubborn woman an' won't let any of us do anythin' but bring her what she needs. But at least we don't have Jeff to trip over an' worry 'bout since Leo let Adam take him home with him.

"Leo, please, at least, just try an' eat some of the roast beef."

"I'm sorry, Hoss, but I'm just not hungry."

"Then don't eat for yourself, but for your two little 'uns. You have to have strength to comfort them." Reachin' over, I lay my big ole hand on top of her little tremblin' one. She looks up at me, her big blue eyes sad an' soulful. "Please, Leo."

She puts a forkful of the beef in her mouth as Pa comes out of the bedroom, bowl of water in hand. Seein' that door open makes her get antsy. Glancin' at me first she looks down at her plate that's still full of food. Ignorin' it, she reaches over an' picks up her cup of coffee, takin' a drink an' settin' it back down. Standin' slowly she creeps back into Cheery's room.

So much for gettin' her to eat. I lean back in my chair with a sigh, crossin' my arms over my chest. Comin' back through with a new bowl of water, Pa looks at her full plate of food. Shakin' his head, he looks at me as I shrug in defeat. But I can tell he understands by the look on his face.

Followin' him into the bedroom, I look past him at the bed. The sight saddens me. A very pale an' hollow eyed Leo leans over her still an' quiet, feverish child. She continues to dab that cool cloth on Cherry's pale yet rosy red cheeks an' forehead.

Sittin' down the bowl of water, Pa watches Leo with a worried look. Wonderin' why he look so concerned, I take a second look at her. That's when I see it. She's quiverin' like a leaf in the wind. She starts to sway an' quickly tries to hide it from us by leanin' on to the bed. But it does the opposite cuz it only makes Pa an' me notice it more. I go over to her as she begins to sway again.

"Leo, just sit an' rest a bit." Grabbin' her shoulders, I gently push her down onto the edge of the bed. "We cain't have you goin' an' gettin' sick on us, now can we?"

"No, we can't." Givin' me a small smile, she lays her head in her hands. "I just feel so helpless! I just can't sit here and watch her fade away like this, but I don't know what else to do."

"Leo, listen to me." I squat down in front of her so we're eye to eye. "You just have to have faith is all. Remember faith can move mountains. If we all believe she's goin' get well an' work real hard like to try an' make it happen then she has a better chance. But if we wear ourselves out with just plain ole worrin', we won't have the energy to help her like we should."

"I know, Hoss. I'll try to stop worrying." Straightenin' her shoulders, she lets outta deep sigh. "I know the only thing that can save her is pure grit, faith, and a miracle if God'll grant it."

"Now that's the attitude." Pa walks around the side of the bed to us. "We all know that this isn't going to be easy, but that's why we're all going to be here for you every second of the way."

"Thank you so much, Ben." She pats the hand he has resting on her shoulder. "I know you will but I need to get back to work now."

"No, young lady, what you need right now is a nice hot cup of coffee." He walks outta the room to go get it.

"Hoss, you and your family are very insistent people." She lets outta small laugh.

"That we are, ma'am, that we are." I smile at her an' the smile she gives back is one of the beautifulest I've ever seen.

"Ah, here you go, Leo." Pa hands her the cup of coffee. "It's hot and fresh. Hop Sing just made it." 

Leo (Romancing the Ponderosa Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now