Chapter 8

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I wake up the next mornin' to the sound of patterin' feet goin' down the hallway. The sound brings back memories of when Little Joe was still a youngster. Shakin' my head, I thumb the sleep outta my eyes. Swingin' my legs off the bed, I look up as my door squeaks open. A little blonde haired head pops into the room. Blue eyes squint and then go wide as they look at me.

"Hoss, you look awful!" He exclaims, his voice somehow soundin' a strange mixture of surprise and seriousness. His brows scrunch up as he slips all the way into the room.

I can't help but laugh at the little worried look he's givin' me. Standin' up, I lay my hand on his head for a second as I walk passed him to get a look at myself in the mirror. I see that he ain't wrong cuz I look like I haven't slept in a week. My eyes are still a bit red from all those tears I cried last night. I know some folks think it's weak for a man to cry but I don't think so. A man has every right to shed 'em, too. I've seen my Pa shed tears a time or two an' he's no less a man to me cuz of them.

"Well, little buddy, it seems you're right!" I ruffle up his hair with a smile before reachin' for the pitcher of water on my nightstand. Pourin' some into the bowl, I look down to see those two little blue eyes watchin' me. "How about you stand out in the hall while I get dressed an' then we'll go see what ole Hop Sing's fixin' for breakfast."

"Sure thing, Hoss." He hurries over to the still open door. Pullin' it closed behind him, he sticks his head back in. "You'll hurry? I'm half starved."

"I'll hurry!" I shoot him a wink as he closes the door with a grin.

I quickly wash the sleep off my face an' throw on my clothes for the day. Pausin' for a moment, I cain't help but wonder what today will bring for Cherry. Somethin' deep in my belly tell me that after what happened last night, it ain't gonna be good. I quickly shake my head, decidin' to act cheerful an' happy no matter what for Jeff's sake. Reachin' for the doorknob, I hear a foot tappin' on the floor out in the hall.

"What's the matter, I go too slow?" His head turns and he looks at me, his face all puckered up in a fake serious look. It makes me laugh which makes a grin slowly spread across his face.

"Hoss, you took so long gettin' ready I thought I was gonna shrivel up like a raisin!" Shakin' his head at me, he puts his hands on his hips. Still laughin', I put my hand on the back of his head an' lead him towards the stairs.

Walkin' down the stairs together both of us still chucklin' a little, I see Pa get up outta his chair. As he hurries over to the staircase, I try an' read his expression but all I see is a tired an' worried look.

"Be quiet you two." He says in a loud whisper. "Miss Leo is asleep and I don't want her to wake up. She's just fallen asleep after not having any all night."

"Yes, sir. I'll be quieter than a mouse!" Jeff whispers back with a serious nod an' even seriouser look.

"Your breakfast is on the table, son. Go eat it while it's still hot." Pa pats Jeff's head as he passes him, goin' as fast as he quietly can.

"Pa?" He looks at me, his eyes soulful. He knows what I'm askin' without me even sayin' anymore. Lookin' behind him to make sure Jeff's at the table busy with his breakfast, he turns back to me.

"No, she's still with us." He says slowly shakin' his head. "She's still burning up with fever and it doesn't seem to want to break."

"Any more seizures?"

"No, thankfully not." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "It's up to the Lord now whether or not she lives."

"Yes, sir." I nod.

We slowly walk across the room to the table. Sittin' down, we silently eat our breakfast with a little boy who very soon might become an only child. 

Leo (Romancing the Ponderosa Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now