Chapter 4

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Pullin' up in front of Little Joe's house, I stop the horses. Climbin' down, I walk over to help Leo get to the ground safely. She gives Cherry and Jeff quick kisses before puttin' her hand into mine. Grabbin' her skirt with her other hand, she hops down to the ground.

"You two be good for Miss Misty, you hear?" She points her finger at them where they sit on the wagon seat.

"Yes, Ma, we will."

" 'Es, mama."

"Cherry Berry, we'll just have to wait and see about you." She laughs at Cherry's little innocent look.

The front door opens an' Little Joe steps out, ploppin' his hat on his head. He waves to the kids an' nods at me. "Hannah's already got all the jars lined up on the counter and about five peaches cut up. She's rearin' to go!"

"Well then, I best get in there!" She scoots past Joe into the house. "Hannah?"

"Back here!"

"Let's get goin', big brother Adam's probably waitin' for us." Climbin' up on the wagon seat, he puts Cherry in his lap. I climb up on the other side, squishin' Jeff between Joe an' me. He lets out a little grunt. "What's the matter buddy, a little tight?"

"Yeah, Little Joe, I can't breathe!"

"Well, I've got two legs." Laughin', Joe puts Cherry on his right leg so Jeff can climb onto his left.

"Don't you drop those little 'uns now, Joe."

"Don't worry, I've got them tight." He squeezes them tight to prove it, Cherry lettin' outta little squeak. "Now as long as you don't hit a big bump in the road, we'll be ok."

"I'll try an' not hit any, everyone ready?" Seein' everyone is, I "giddyup" to the horses, slappin' the reins on their backs.

Listenin' to Joe talkin' with Cherry an' Jeff, the three mile ride to Adam's place seems to take half the time. When I stop the wagon in front of Adam's barn, Little Joe looks up with a surprised expression on his face. I guess he hadn't realized how much time had gone by.

Adam walks around the barn towards us, wipin' sweat off his forehead. The front door of the house opens an' Misty comes out, tuckin' loose hair back into it's proper place as she walks over. Steppin' over to Joe, she reaches up for Cherry. She swings her onto her hip, bouncin' her until she giggles. Adam reaches up to take Jeff so Joe can get down without droppin' the little feller. Once on the ground, Jeff grabs Misty's free hand an' they skip along to the house together.

"That little gal's goin' make a good mama one of these days." I say, shakin' my head as I climb down from the wagon myself.

"Yeah and hopefully sometime soon, too!" Joe laughs, slappin' Adam on the back. Adam gets a funny look on his face, like he's excited 'bout something' but he's tryin' to keep it a secret. "Hey, Adam, what's that look for? What's goin' on?"

"Oh, nothing." Adam walks towards the back of the barn, glancin' over his shoulder at Joe, seein' if he's sparked his imagination. Joe glances at me before runnin' to catch up with him.

"What'd you mean, nothin'? Apparently it's something, you're acting mighty suspicious." He looks over at me. "Ain't he, Hoss?"

"Yeah, what's goin' on Adam?" I cross my arms over my chest, brows all scrunched up, lips puckered out a bit. He looks between Joe an' me, the look on his face tellin' that he's 'bout to give in.

"Alright. I'll tell you." He throws his hands up in the air an' then points at us, "But you have to promise not to tell Pa, I want to tell him myself!"

"I won't tell."

"Me neither."

"Well, Misty's expecting." I don't think I've seen him smile that big since the day when he came walkin' out from between those Indian tepees with his arm wrapped around Misty, holdin' her close.

"Woo hoo!" Joe yells grabbin' Adam in a hug. Adam pats him on the back, his grin turnin' goofy. Joe let's go, his grin as big as Adam's. But then his look turns into realization, "Who else knows?"

"Your wife." Adam cocks his right brow, all the while still smilin'.

"That explains it!" Little JOe snaps his fingers. "Hannah's been acting like she's got something up her sleeve for a few weeks now. I kept asking her what was up but she would just smile and say nothing. Well, this ain't nothing that's for dang sure!"

"When are you goin' to tell Pa?"

"We had planned on telling everyone last night but with that story the little lady you brought home told." He shakes his head. "We both agreed it wasn't the time to tell."

Bendin', he picks up a hammer to start workin' on the fence we're buildin' behind the barn. "I'm going to ride over tonight and tell him." 

Leo (Romancing the Ponderosa Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now