Chapter 9

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Just as I'm puttin' my last bite of hominy grits in my mouth, someone knocks on the front door. Pa an' I look at each other for a second before he quickly wipes his mouth, layin' his napkin on the table. "I'll get it."

As Pa walks to the front door I hear the bedroom door squeak open. Both Jeff an' I look up to see a very tired an' pale Leo standin' in the doorway. She walks towards the table an' sits down in an empty chair.

"Mornin', Ma." Jeff smiles but I can see the worry in his eyes as he looks at his worn out ma.

"Good morning, Jeff." She pours herself a cup of coffee as Pa comes around the corner with Doc Martin. Takin' barely a sip, she puts her cup back down an' jumps up. "Oh, doctor, I'm so glad you're here! I'm afraid she's taken a turn for the worse."

All three hurry into the bedroom. Pa gives me a look mixed with worry an' concern before closin' the door behind him. Jeff sighs heavily beside me, "Hoss?"

"Yeah, Jeff."

"Is Cherry gonna die?"

"I don't know." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Only God knows an' it's all up to Him."

"Yes, sir." He quickly lowers his eyes as they fill with tears so I give his shoulder a light squeeze.

Hop Sing walks in to clear the table. He starts to pick up the dirty plates but then he notices Jeff's tears an' my worried look. "Mister Jeff?"

"Yes, Hop Sing." His head pops up fast like an' he wipes his cheeks.

"You help Hop Sing make pie?"

"Oh, Hop Sing, can I?"


Grinnin' Jeff jumps outta his chair an' gives Hop Sing a big hug. Hop Sing awkwardly pats him on the back, clearly uncomfortable. I cain't help myself, I let out a chuckle. Hop Sing throws me a dirty look before leadin' Jeff into the kitchen.

Gettin' up from the table, I walk over to the livin' room. I almost sit down in Pa's chair but then decide I better not sit down. I need to do somethin' with my hands or I'm gonna go crazy waitin' on that door to open. Goin' over to the fireplace, I grab the poker stick an' stir the dead embers around a bit. I'm makin' my fifth round with the poker in the embers when I hear a horse gallop up outside. I figure it's either Adam or Joe come to see how Cherry's fairin'.

The front door opens a moment later an' Adam walks in. Layin' his hat on the table, he walks towards me. I see him lookin' around to see if anyone else is in the room. Noddin' at me, he leans against the back of the red chair. "Mornin', Hoss."

"Mornin'." I lay the poker down an' turnin' around I walk over an' sit in the blue chair across from him. "How's Misty?"

"She's alright." He sits down after glancin' back at that closed door. "How long has Doc Martin been here?"

" 'Bout ten minutes or so."

"Did she make it through the night?"

"Yeah." Leanin' up, I rest my elbows on my knees. "But last night was rough. Pa an' I woke up at about two in the mornin' to Leo hollerin' for us. Cherry was havin' a bad seizure an' she's had a fever ever since then."

"I have a feeling that this isn't going to turn out very good." Adam sighs an' then as if suddenly rememberin' somethin', he sits up an' looks around for somethin'. "Where's Jeff?"

"Hop Sing's got him in the kitchen helpin' make a pie."

"Good. He doesn't need to go through all of this with us. Misty and I were talking about it last night and we thought that maybe we should keep him out at our place for a few days. That is, at least, until we know what the outcome is going to be. But if Leo wants him here, that's understandable as well. Even though he's young he still deserves to know what's going on, but he just doesn't need to start worrying or worse, blame himself."

"Do you think Misty's up to it?"

"She said she is. She hasn't been that sick, well at least not like Hannah was at the beginning."

Hearin' another horse gallop outside, I figure it's probably Joe this time. An' sure enough it is cuz he comes through the door and hurries across the room towards us. Just like Adam did, he glances back at that closed door before throwin' himself onto the sofa. "Mornin'. How's Cherry?"

"Still with us but barely. She had a bad seizure last night an' now has a high fever." I fill him in.

"Oh boy." He blows out a sigh. "How's Leo?"

"Really tired. She's maybe gotten half an hour of sleep."

"Now we have to hope she doesn't wear herself out and get sick." Adam says as the bedroom door opens. All three of us jump to our feet as Pa, Doc Martin, an' Leo walk across the room towards us. Leo leans on the back of Adam's chair, lookin' past exhaustion. Adam gently takes her arm an' makes her sit. Given' him a very small smile, she sinks back into the chair with a sigh.

"Well, how is she?" Joe asks, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Like I was telling your father and Mrs. Tirk, at this point I would be extremely shocked if she does make it." He lets outta deep sigh as Leo begins to gently sob. Steppin' over to her, I lay my hand on her shoulder. Reachin' up, she gently pats my hand in thanks. "Instead of improvement from how she was yesterday, I see the opposite. But then, of course, only time can tell with these things."

"So there's nothing you can do?"

"Unfortunately not. I'm sure she's in pain but since it's a brain injury, I can't give her anything for it." His head bobs down towards his chest as he sighs yet again. "Now it's just a waiting game."

Leo (Romancing the Ponderosa Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now