Chapter 7

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I wake up with a start, a snore comin' out a loud snort. I lay there not exactly sure what woke me up. Then I hear it again, a shout from downstairs. Swing' my legs off the bed, I jump up, my green checked nightshirt fallin' back over my knees.

I hear Pa in the hall as another shout comes from downstairs, "Mr. Cartwright! Hoss!"

Leo's voice cracks like she's tryin' not to let a sob loose. The worst must have happened while we were all asleep. I brace myself for the grim news as I hurry down the hall, reachin' the top of the stairs just as Pa sprints down the bottom half.

We've both come to love little Cherry in the short time that the Tirks have been with us. I see Pa's shoulders stiffen right before he walks into Cherry's room. I know he's goin' to take Cherry's passin' hard. I know I am, too. In fact all of us Cartwrights will, we're just a big bunch of softies who open our hearts easily. Especially to fiery towheaded little gals.

Walkin' into the room, I prepare myself for the worst but I see a sight I ain't expectin'. Leo and Pa try to hold a writhin' Cherry still. She lets out little moans as her body continues to shake. I step up to the bed knowin' this ain't goin' end good. I can hear her little teeth clackin' together inside her mouth as her seizure continues. I watch, not knowin' how to help, as tears fall off Leo's cheeks, splashin' down onto Cherry's pale face.

Her seizure keeps goin' for what feels like an hour, but glancin' at the clock on the wall, I see it ain't even been two minutes. Suddenly her whole body relaxes into the bed. All three of us release the air we've been holdin' in. Reachin' up, Pa wipes his cheeks dry. Seein' the tears that he'd let trickle freely down his cheeks makes me notice my own. Usin' my sleeve, I dry 'em off as Leo sinks onto the edge of the bed. Her shoulders begin to shake with silent tears.

Walkin' around the edge of the bed, I lay my big hands on her shakin' shoulders. Slowly, she lifts her head up from where she had it cradles in her hands. Her face is red an' puffy from all her cryin'. Tears stream down her cheeks as she tries to choke back her sobs. I slowly pull her to her feet an' she steps into my arms, layin' her head on my chest. As I rub my hand up an' down her back, she lets loose. Her whole body shakes from the force of her sobs. I let her cry herself out, tryin' to give her as much comfort as I can.

Pa runs his big hand over Cherry's forehead. She looks so little layin' there in that big bed, her face a pale white with pink flushed cheeks. Pa slowly sits down on the edge of the bed beside her an' takin' her little hand in his, he bows his head, lips silently movin'. I know he's prayin', prayin' for that miracle that Doc Martin said was the only thing that would save Cherry.

All cried out, Leo just lays limp against my chest. Slowly she turns and looks back at Cherry. She shutters, I imagine thinkin' 'bout what just happened. Steppin' away from me, she looks up at me and mouths, "Thank you."

"Mr. Cartwright, thank you for helping me." She gives Pa a look of gratitude as she runs her hand over Cherry's forehead. Her face screws up into a worried look again. "She's burning up!"

"Yes, I noticed she was hot." Standin' up, Pa moves towards the door. "I'll get some cold water and a cloth."

As he walks outta the room, Leo sits back down on the bed beside Cherry. Steppin' away from the bed, I walk across the room an' stand in front of the wall by the door. Pa comes back in the room, carryin' a bowl of water an' a cloth. Glancin' at me as he goes passed, he gives me a small smile.

"Here, Leo." She takes it from him, immediately wettin' the cloth. After squeezin' it out she wipes Cherry's forehead. Cherry doesn't move a muscle, she just lays there limp an' quiet.

Seein' the little gal like that on the brink of crossin' over causes somethin' to crack inside me. Feelin' my eyes fill with tears again, I back up until my backside bumps into the wall. Watchin' Leo an' Pa workin' to keep her on this side makes me feel small for the first time in my life. I've always known that life is precious and short, but watchin' this gal fight for her life makes it become even clearer.

I feel a sob well up in me as I watch Pa an' Leo tryin' to lower Cherry's high temperature. Feelin' it slowly make it's way up, I quickly clear my throat tryin' to make it disappear. Pa looks over his shoulder at me, his brow wrinkles up then smoothes as he slowly smiles. "Everything's going to be alright. Hoss, why don't you go back to bed. We don't need your help right now and someone needs to get some sleep tonight."

"Yes, Pa." My voice sounds creaky but he just nods at me so I turn to leave the room. Walkin' up the stairs, my heart feels heavy in my chest.

Floppin' down on my bed, I listen to it creak under my weight. Pa's words echo in my head, "Everything's going to be alright." But I ain't so sure everythin' is gonna be alright this time. Layin' on my back, I close my eyes as tears trail down my cheeks an' onto my pillow. Silently I pray for Cherry, for Leo, an' for all of us. With my endin' amen, I let myself go an' sob. Still sobbin', I drift off into a dreamless sleep. 

Leo (Romancing the Ponderosa Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now