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"Roger, we can't, not when we're drunk." I say to him as he guides me to his bed. Tye rational side of my brain is telling me it can't happen unless we're both sober, I'd feel like I was taking advantage of him, the irrational  side is telling me to do it, I've wanted it since i saw him in the coffee shop. He pulls away from me, a wave of disappointment flashes across his face. "I know, I just hate all this, the in-between, you say you want to be with me and I want to be with you, more than anything, I know you want to hold off until me and Rose have had time together, and I agree with that, and I'm sorry if I forced you into anything." He says, quickly like he's worried he did something wrong. "It's okay, we'll talk things over tomorrow, promise."  I say before kissing him again,"for now, this is as far as we're going until someone comes and interrupts."

And surely enough about an hour after, there's a knock on the door and freddie calls in. "Rog, you can't host a party and go off and shag some girl." Roger gets off the top of me and whispers to me, telling me to leave the room in about 10 minutes, so i could tidy myself up and to keep a little bit of my dignity.

I leave the room ten minutes later after fixing myself up. I find Tia who is chatting up some blond bloke. I decide against talking to her, not wanting to ruin her conquest, instead going to the kicten and grabbing a slice of pizza that Roger ordered a while ago. I realise that I'm pretty done with this party, so after finishing another slice of pizza I find Roger. When I find him, he's out in the hall outside the apartment talking with Brian about something, when he notices I'm there he stops talking and walks over to me. "I'm gonna call it a night,but I'm pretty sure Tia took some bloke into my room just now, saw her walking down that hall, so is it alright if I slept in your room tonight?" "Of course, take one of my shirts and a pair of jogging bottoms or sometihing if you need to, I'm guessing all your stuff is in your room." "Thanks, rog." "I'll be into you after a little bit,  there's a thing in my renters agreement that I can't have party's after 3 so I need to shut this down." "Alright." I say and walk back inside through all the people to the bathroom, where I take off my makeup.

After I pull on one of Rogers tshirts and a pair of baggy jogging bottoms, I climb into Rogers bed, pulling the duvet over me and slowly drift off to sleep, the only disturbance is when Roger wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck, but other than that, I slept well.

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