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An:I hate babytalk so much so sorry if uts cringe <3

I wake up at 7 like I do every morning and wake up Rose again, this time waking up everyone else as my brother and sister have school today. I do what I do every morning and 12 o clock comes and goes and me and Rose are in the back seat of my dad's car. Mum was supposed to drive me hut she told me that it was a stupid idea and i should do what i feel is best for Rose, which is what I'm doing, I want her to have her father, but she shouted at me telling me its stupid.

Arriving at the apartment block, I grab the bags out of the boot of the car as my dad takes Rose out of her car seat. I tell my dad I'd get Roger Roger run out for the buggy and we head up to the same floor and door I walked up to last night. I knock and he opens right away, clearly nervous. He invites us in to the living room, where he has cartoons on the TV. Rose sits down on the sofa, watching them. "Before I forget, will you run down to my dad's car and get the buggy and there's another little bag just with a few things for you." I ask Roger before following Rose into the living room. "Yeah, of course, make yourselves at home, the kettles boiled if you want tea or anything, work away." He says, smiling a bit. "Thanks, love." I say walking Into the living room. Roger leaves to get the stuff but he isn't back in 20 minutes which leaves me concerned. I decide to make some tea so I look around the kitchen presses to find the cups. I grab 2 when I find them and put a tea bag in each, 1 sugar in his and 2 in mine . When the teas made, the apartment door opens and I give him a hand with the buggy. "What took you so long?" I ask him, he looks a bit more nervous than before. "Your dad insisted on giving a hand to get the buggy up the stairs, the lift broke this morning and there fixing it so he have me a hand and then he stopped randomly and just gave me some advice." He says, walking to the kitchen with me where I hand him his tea. "He's protective, you know that from when i took you home the first time." I say, opening the small bag I asked him to get from the car. "Here," I hold out a envelope and he takes it looking confused. " I know you weren't there until now but i thought you might like them. There's copies of all her scans if you want them, and then baby pictures." I say, nervous of what his reaction will be. He opens the envelope and looks through the pictures. I look at him, noticing the smile forming on his face before I see the small tear trickle down his cheek. "Well, she has my eyes." He says breaking the silence that formed between us. "Mummy?" I hear Rose call from the living room. "I'll be in in a minute, honey." I call back to her. "Drink your tea, ill be with Rose, you don't have to come in just yet if you want a moment." I say, worried that he's nervous, which I think he is, he's fidgeting alot with his hands which he did before meeting my parents as he was nervous then aswell and he always seemed go play with something when he was. "Is it a bit rushed?" He asks, out of the blue."Yeah, but there really isn't going to be a good time to tell her, and I think now is our best chance." I say to him and he nods slightly. "I better get to her now, you can come now or it's up to you." "Yeah, I'll come now(my mind)." He says, putting the envelope on  the small table and following me to the living room.

"Rose, honey, can you come here for a sec?" I ask her, sitting down and opening my arms for her. She walks over from where shes sitting on the floor and sits on my lap. I give Roger a small smile, trying to relax him a little. "Rose, you know how granda is my daddy, and Paul is your friend Amy's daddy?" I say in the higher voice that Rose always responds to better. "Yes mummy." She says, playing with a doll. "Well, see this man here, he's your daddy." I say, looking over at Roger, who looks like he could faint with nerves. "Really?" "Yes honey." I say, Roger still quiet. Rose stretches her arms out and leans forward towards Roger, indicating that she wants over to him. He gives me a confused look. " she wants over to you, lift her." I say to him and he lifts her over onto his lap. "Mummys daddy doesn't have long hair, why do you?" She asks him and he relaxes more  "I like it like that, now, I have a little surprise for you." He says, standing up with her in his arms and walking to his bedroom presumably and coming back, rose has a huge smile smile her face and Rogers carrying a gift bag. He sits Rose down on the sofa beside me. He reaches into the bag and pulls out a velvety red rectangular box and hands it to Rose. "Here, love, give that to mummy." He says, smiling down at her. She hands me the box and I open it. Inside is a small dainty necklace (hi bae I can't say necklace and not think of rogertaylorsnecklace) with a small blue butterfly on it. "It's beautiful." I say, genuinely taken for words, it's not often people give me gifts. "I bought it when we were together, before I moved, to give to you  but I was to nervous to." He says, giving me a weak smile, like he's still nervous to give it to me. "I love it." I say, smiling like a fool as he pulls a dog Teddy out of the bag and gives it to Rose, who's very excited about getting a new Teddy. I mouth 'thanks' to him and Rose hugs him which makes him smile .

A few hours later, after I make some dinner, Rose wants to go to the park, so seeing as she still has a few hours till bedtime, I agree and Roger says the park is only a five minute walk so we shouldn't need to bring anything so we leave the house, him carrying Rose as she requested down to the  park. She insists that I push her on the swings because "Daddy needs to rest", her words not mine.

We get back a few hours later, and I get Rose changed for bed and give her her favourite Teddy, the one Roger got me. I put her in bed while Roger closes the curtains.
"Mummy, i don't want to sleep yet." She says, sitting up. "How about this, me and mummy will sit in here with you until you go to sleep  does that sound good, love?" Roger says, kneeling down beside the double bed me and Rose would be sleeping in. "Yeah, ok." She says and lies down again. We both sit either side of her, Roger rubbing her back until she slowly drifts off to sleep. When she does, we both stand up and walk out, leaving the door open a smidge.

"She sleeps with a Teddy I got you?" He says, smiling as we both walk into the kitchen. "Yeah, I wanted her to have something of yours or something you have me so I gave her the Teddy." "She's alot like you, you know,  just they way she does little things, she's very particular, it's a good thing, if she ended up too much like me you would have trouble." He says, opening the fridge and taking out to bottles of beer, opening them and handing one to me. "I want her to be like you, minus the anger, a healthy mix." I say walking to the living room . "Look, can I put something out there?" He asks me, sitting down beside me. "Yeah, of course." I say, concerned about what he has to say. "I still have feelings for you but I'm not going to act on them, unless you want me to." He says, resting one of his hands on top of mine on my knee. "I'm going to be honest. I don't  know how I feel about you, after you kept I didn't really have time to get over you before I found out I was pregnant and I've always been sorta holding out hope that we'd have our own little family, us together with Rose, and i want that, but we're parents before all that, and I don't want any messy relationship stuff to get in between you and Rose bonding, maybe in a few months or a year but not right now, we gave to put her first." I say to him, a bit of disappointment in his eyes. "Rational as always, love, I like that. I don't like having to hold off, but if you say it's best for her then I will. Now, tv?" He says, and I nod, resting my head on his shoulder and he puts an arm around me. U wasn't going to admit it, but I missed him like hell.

A few hours later we both decide its time to go to sleep and i head to bed beside Rose, who wakes up when I get in. "Mummy, Where's daddy? I want him to sleep with us." Rose says and even though i know its going to be a bit awkward, I tell her I'd get him. I get out of bed and walk to his bedroom, knocking on his door as to not disturb him. He tells me to come in. "Rog, put a shirt on, Rose wants you to sleep in with us." I say to him, too tired to say much more. He does as I said and follows me back to the bed, we're Rose cuddles up up him and falls asleep again. "Night my love." "Good night rog." I say before drifting off to sleep.

An: idk  how to feel about tge ending bxjdjdjkck

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