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       I hum lightly while finishing plating the meal that I just finished cooking. As long as she only stays in the back yard, she'll be fine here alone. I'm not going to make her do much anyway since her foot still needs to heal. I think while setting dow the two plates before going back to the kitchen and grabbing utensils.
      Clop. Clop. Clop.
      She finally woke up. I think before turning and seeing the tired looking girl who's still in her sleepwear.
       "Morning." She says tiredly as she slightly limps to her seat.
       "Good morning, my little fawn! I hope that eggs and toast is a good enough breakfast to start your day." I say with a smile to her as I push her chair in slightly before going to my own and starting to eat.
       "It's good." She says happily while starting to eat what I cooked with a happy look in her eyes, ears perked up.
       A proud feeling goes through me as I eat as well.
       After we both nearly finish, I finally decide to tell her. "I won't be here most of the day. I've got business to attend to in the city." I explain to her before taking a drink.
     "Could I go with you?" She asks hopefully to me. "I can go get ready real quick and then we-"
      "No, no. I don't want you getting hurt out there. I've got a lot of enemies that would be more than happy to kidnap you and use you as leverage against me." I interrupt her as she starts to stand.
       "What's so important about me? According to our deal I'm just a measly servant to you." (Y/n) says with crossed arms and a slight glare towards me.
       No. You're not just my servant. You're just mine. I think as I look at her. "You're living with me and they probably would think you know my weaknesses." I reply before leaning towards her. "They would all torture you and beat you to nearly dying a second time before they throw you away for being of no use to them." I explain before leaning back in my seat and taking a drink to calm myself down.
       "Then I'll make sure to stay by your side." (Y/n) states as she looks at me determinedly. "I won't wander around." She claims and I sigh.
      "No." I retort simply. "You're staying home." I say while standing up and heading for the front door, summoning my overcoat and cane.
      "Radio, I promise-"
      "I'm not taking you. You're to stay home and do only a few things before you nose around the mansion like the curious woman that you are." I say while turning to look at her after she followed me. "But you cannot come with me."
      "And why the hell not?!"
      "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THEM TO KNOW ABOUT YOU!" I snap as I grab her shoulders and look at her seriously. "I just want you to be mine to come home to and spend time with. Like when you were alive and I was your secret." I state as she still looks at me with wide (e/c) eyes.
       (Y/n) stares at me in a stunned silence before looking away.
       I let go of her shoulders before letting her go and standing up straight. "Sorry." I say while rubbing my thumb gently on her cheek. "I promise time'll fly before I get back. I'll see you later, little fawn." I state before opening the front door and walking out.
      I shouldn't let her see much more of me. She's already breaking my walls.

~~(Y/N) POV~~

      I watch as Radio walks past the black rose bushes before looking back at the house.
      Our eyes meet for a moment before he looks away from me. He raises his cane before he looks like television static then disappears.
       I get why he'd want to keep me a secret but it seems like there's more of a reason than just his dumb rivals. I think as I close the door before walking back inside, soon finding the dining room. I know he'd probably want me to stay here since it's part of our stupid deal but it makes no sense as long as I still do his dirty work. I think with a huff before noticing a note on the table by my empty plate.
       Here we go again. I think with a sigh before opening the note.

—clean around the house (the mansion will lead you to the worst ones)
—make a list of what we need for groceries
—feed the deer grain (it'll take around an hour or possibly a bit more)

Don't forget to take breaks and eat lunch, I should be back in time to make dinner for us and you'll get to change into your dinner dress.


     I read the list before clicking me tongue. "Not just a servant, my ass!" I scoff as I lean against the tabletop. "Jokes on you, Radio! I don't have anything to clean with!" I shout as I look around the empty room while propping myself against the table.
       A bright red glow meets my skin before I quickly have to catch the basket before it can fall on my feet.
      It's a basket with cleaning supplies for me to use.
     I huff before placing it on the table beside me. "SMARTASS!" I yell annoyedly before grabbing the plates, glasses, and utensils then heading to the kitchen. "Woah." I say in awe as I look around the kitchen that could almost pass for one from a high class restaurant, just more dull in color.
       I head to the sink and clean the tableware before walking back out. I should probably head to my room and change if I actually want to do housework. I think before heading up the stairs and to my bedroom.
      "I'm surprised that it's not old clothes like he wears." I say to myself as I grab a pair of pants and a loose tank-top. I jump back quickly as the closet quickly replaces the clothes that was previously in it with vintage clothes. "Hey! I was joking! I like my normal style clothes!" I say as I kick my hoof against the bottom of the closet and then wince as pain shoots through it.
      The closet shakes for a moment before the previous clothes reappear like they never left.
      "Thank you." I say with an awkward curt nod to it before heading out of my room and back to the dining area.

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