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~~(Y/N) POV~~

      I stiffen as a hand covers my mouth.
      "You're going to look so so pretty with all my other dolls.~" Chance coos while running his hand on the side of my face. "I love watching all my dolls enjoy their time before I kill them. It's brings me so much joy." He sighs dreamily while looking at me with dark eyes.
      "Why? You helped me get on the bus?" I whimper, begging that Radio reappears.
       "Because the moment I saw you, I knew I just had to have you." Chance says while smiling at me. "You've got such a fighting spirit. I thought it'd be so fun to crush it and watch you cry over getting your little feelings hurt." He mocks before laughing.
"Please don't do this. I've never got to live." I beg, seeming helpless as I internally call for Radio to help me.
"Then you'll have no reason not to die." Chance claims with a grin as he looks at me. "You're so pitiful. It's a wonder that your aunt's husband hadn't killed you already. You're probably nothing better than a little housewife to clean, not even worth fucking." He says before laughing.
An anger seems to ignite in my chest as I elbow him in the side, making him let go of me. "DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT ME!" I snap angrily as I grab the switchblade from my back pocket. "I AM STRONG!" I hiss while he stands, chuckling.
"It's been a while since I've had a fighter." He states before popping his knuckles. "Never lost to one though. All useless little girls whore too naive to ever do anything but run away from their fears." Chance states, making my heart ache at him rubbing salt in my wounds.
"You're a real bastard, you know that?" I remark while stepping back as he steps towards me.
"But at least I'm not a coward." He says coldly while looking me up and down with disdain.
"Radio Demon," I say while glaring harshly to the man. "we have a deal."
Silence greets my ears as I look around the dimly lit room.
"HAH! Was that supposed to scare me? You're nothing but a fragile little girl with useless tricks!" Chance yells while laughing, hunched over with his hands on his knees.
"I AM NOT WEAK!" I yell as I slice his throat before starting to stab him. "I'M NOT WEAK! I'M STRONG!" I claim with tears falling from my eyes before Chance hits me away, hand on the shallow wound on his throat.
It's almost a gurgling sound as he speaks. "No....not you."
I scream out loudly as a shooting pain goes through my arm. I watch with wide eyes as an intriguing design of a weird, red microphone slowly appears on my right forearm. I watch in slight fear as a towering figure of red and black looms from my shadow on the ground.
       A striking glow of red eyes meet me as it opens its eyes.
      "Sorry for the awaited arrival, my little fawn." Radio's not so staticky voice apologizes as he offers me a (large) hand to help me from the floor. "I had to deal with some acquaintances of mine real quick!" He claims, making me give a sigh of relief.
"I'm so glad you're here, Radio! I-"
       "Hush now, darling. I've got business to attend to." Radio claims with a sharp, yellow smile before he turns to Chance with a glare. "By golly, I told her you were trouble! And damn did I mean it!" He claims while stretching his hands, his nails becoming nearly daggers as long as my arms. "You should've known better than to mess with my girl!" He says before stabbing Chance through his abdomen with an excited smile on his face.
       I watch in terror as he repeatedly stabs Chance's well dead body as he laughs almost evilly. Specks of the man's blood occasionally landing on my skin or near me.
      "He won't be any problem to you now!" Radio says happily while shaking the blood off his claws. "Now about our-"
       "MONSTER!" My scream of horror meets the air as I rush out of the room and for the entrance, ignoring the shouts and gasps from guest and staff.
       "You're going to get hurt, fawn. Come back inside." Radio's voice says from in my head while I run into the bright daylight as I continue to run.
        "NO! YOU'RE A MONSTER!" I yell while squinting as I pause.
      I freeze in fear as my vision finally clears enough for me to see the car before it hits me, still attempting to stop before hitting me with its full force.
        Cool wind whips at my face as I fall through the dark, red sky of somewhere.
       "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" I yell out in confusion and fear as I look around while still free falling. Is that...a pentagram? I think in confusion before harshly hitting the ground with a loud groan. Today is not my day. I think before looking at the large, dark mansion that I've landing in the front yard to.
        I stand cautiously before slightly stumbling as I look down to my feet.
      Not feet.
      I let out another scream as I fall back and my bottom hits the ground. "No, no, no, no, no." I keep repeating as I start feeling all over my body.
      Soft (f/c) fur, two fluffy ears, a tail, and the pair of hooves that started this panic in the first place.
       What is going on and where the hell am I? I question as I stand up, making sure to stay on my feet....hooves this time. I look around at the  bushes with black roses and thorns as I start down the path to the porch. I give a loud knock three times before waiting a moment.
        I guess no one's home. I think before starting off the porch and heading to the side of the mansion. It's a pretty big place, they might not have heard it. I think before finding the back porch and doing the same, getting no result. I give a heavy sigh as I sit steps on the back porch.
        I just need some help. I think tiredly as I lean against the railing post at the top of the steps. I hope this person is kind enough to tell me where I am. I will as my tiredness starts to get to me. That's all I need. I think before drifting off to a nice, peaceful sleep.

Fawn ♡Alastor x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now