Confession | Chapter 6

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It was Friday, and the shop wasn't open that day so Kris stayed asleep for longer. When they woke up and saw Ralsei sleeping there they were surprised as they forgot he was in their bed, but remember he was scared so they let him sleep in it.

It was 10am when Kris woke up, they got out of bed not waking up Ralsei. They got their breakfast and put the TV on. When Ralsei walked out he was surprised to see Kris still there, he was still half asleep so he had his morning voice on.

Ralsei: Your *yawn* still here?

Kris: I don't work today, that's why I put the movie on, I gotta text Susie and Asriel so they know we don't work today.

Ralsei: Oh, ok.

Kris got their phone out and texted Susie and Asriel telling them they don't work today, none of them answered so Kris thought they were still asleep. Kris put their phone back down and continued watching the TV while Ralsei got his breakfast still half asleep, and joined Kris on the sofa.

Kris: You gonna continue your drawing today?

Ralsei: Mhm!

Kris: Cool, I don't know what i'm going to do today, guess i'll see as the day continues. I might go for a walk, do you want to join me?

Ralsei: When are you leaving?

Kris: Uhh, like at lunch time, i'm going to walk to the beach and have a nice day off.

Ralsei: Sure! I can still draw if we find somewhere to sit.

Kris: Great! that is the plan to find somewhere to sit and let the waves calm me down.

Ralsei: Why? what's wrong?

Kris: It was just yesterday.

Ralsei: What happened?

Kris: Do you really want to know?

Ralsei: Yeah! so I can cheer you up!

Kris: It was just, wait, do you know who Asriel is?

Ralsei: Uhh, was it that person who saved me?

Kris: Yeah, he's my brother.

Ralsei: Oh, cool, didn't know you had one.

Kris: Well, him and Susie the girl who served you, listened on our conversation yesterday, and I wasn't happy with them.

Ralsei: Oh, what did you tell them?

Kris: Well I played a prank on them for listening and after I revealed the prank I told them it wasn't ok and I wouldn't do it to them.

Ralsei: Well that's a good thing, you told them it wasn't ok and you wouldn't do it to them, and you've always got to be the better person. Sure you did prank them, but as long as it didn't hurt them or cover them in something, then i'm sure it's fine. You just have to wait for an apology from them and everything will fix itself.

Ralsei gave Kris a hug and Kris hugged back as those words meant a lot coming from him. Kris didn't want to let go and luckily, neither did Ralsei. They finally stopped allowing Kris to talk again.

Kris: Thank you Ralsei, that meant so much to me.

Ralsei: It's no problem, it's the least I can do, and if you need to talk or another hug then i'm always here, i'm not going anywhere.

Kris: Thank you.

Kris gave Ralsei another hug, but this one was shorter than the last one, as they wanted Ralsei to continue with their drawing. Kris did some work on their phone seeing as they can't afford a computer at home yet, while Ralsei started drawing again working on the bottom half of the drawing.

KRISpy Kreme (Deltarune)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن