Relationships | Chapter 4

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Kris woke up early like usual as they had to the shop, but Ralsei was already awake when they left their bed room.

Kris: Oh, you're up, how long have you been awake for?

Ralsei: Like, 10 minutes ago.

Kris: Oh, so not that long ago. Why are you awake?

Ralsei: This is the time I wake up.

Kris: 7am? why?

Ralsei: Got nothing else to do.

Kris: What, do you do? like all day.

Ralsei: Nothing, I just stay at home until I want to leave.

Kris: You don't have a job? or any friends or family?

Ralsei: No, got nothing and no one. I used all of my last money on that lunch I bought at yours.

Ralsei then started to cry, as his life was in shambles, he had no one, and nothing, he just lived alone in the old house without anything, no heating, no food, no drinks, no money. Kris went and sat down next to him, they gave him a hug reassuring him it was alright.

Kris: Hey, it's ok. I'll take care of you.

Ralsei: W-what? no, no i'm fine-

Kris: No, no you aren't fine. You have no food, no heating, no money, no job, you clearly need help and i'm here for you. Sure we just met a couple days ago, but that won't stop me from taking care of you, you really need it, you have no one to fall back on, but i'll be here for you to fall back on. If you need anything, feel free to ask me, i'll be happy to help, I can't stand to see someone like this, not when I can help them, and you can stay here for as long as you want.

Ralsei: Thank you Kris.

Ralsei cries some more and hugs Kris back more tightly than ever, not wanting to let go as this was the first time he had someone he had in his life that cared about him. (CRY! CRY SOME MORE! >:)) The hugging finally stopped after what had seemed to be a long time, as Ralsei didn't want to let go.

Kris: It's going to be ok, ok? i'm always going to be here for you. I have to leave now but feel free to get breakfast, use the TV, anything, don't worry about rent as you clearly don't have the money and I don't want to take any away from you.

Ralsei: I live here now?

Kris: Well i'm not forcing you, but I thinks it's for the best, seeing as you don't have a proper home. I'll soon get you a job don't worry, feel free to draw while i'm gone, as it seems to cheer you up. Remember, feel free to use the TV or get yourself some food, it's on me and i'll leave you my phone number in case you need anything or just want to talk.

Ralsei: Oh, thank you.

Kris: No need to thank me, just doing what's right, if you do stay here all day then i'll be gone for quiet a while so I suggest you get some fresh air. How are you feeling? I forgot to ask.

Ralsei: Much better, tell that person I said thank you.

Kris: Don't worry, I will, and i'm glad you're feeling better, if you throat still hurts there's some honey and lemon you can use, well if you don't leave today, see you later.

Ralsei: Oh, ok, see you later.

Kris gets ready and leaves their phone number so Ralsei can call them. When Kris leaves he gets his breakfast, puts the TV on in the background and starts to draw what he sees around him.

Kris got to the shop after the other two who were just chatting while waiting for Kris to open it.

Susie: There you are, what took you so long?

KRISpy Kreme (Deltarune)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant