The End | Chapter 8

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History: Welcome, God Of Mercy.

Kris: What am I doing here?

History: You have been missing for some Time now, don't you want to go home?

Kris: But this is my home, wherever this is.

History: Your memories, have been, taken. Hidden from the universes, for safety. I know everyone's history, their past and future. Except for you, as no one can find them, not even me. I looked everywhere, every universe, every parallel world, every dimension, but still no memories. It was like they have been, destroyed.

Kris: But what am I doing here?

History: The truth. This is your limbo, your perfect world, but no one can hear you. I have been banned from your universe and many others, but not here, not your limbo.

Kris: You called me the God Of Mercy?

History: Because you are, the only History I found of your past is that you were the God Of Mercy in this universe. Because you do you threaten people, but you spare them. You have the power to end so many people's lives but you choose to spare them. That's what it means to be the God Of Mercy, you have the power, but choose not to use it.

Ralsei: Kris, wake up.

History: It's Time for you to go.

Kris: But I need more answers! I can't go yet!

Ralsei: Kris, you'll be late for work.

History: Time is up, wake up.

History clicks his fingers and Kris wakes up instantly sitting up, Ralsei was just looking at them with a concerned look on his face.

Ralsei: Kris? are you ok? you looked cold and worried.

Kris: H-huh? yeah, i'm fine.

Ralsei: Hmm, ok, well if anything is worrying you, just tell me, i'm sure I will be able to help.

Kris: Well, there is, but i'll talk about it later, with everyone.

Ralsei: Oh, ok.

Kris gets up and gets ready to leave, Ralsei goes with them while holding their hand to the shop. They get their first and Kris starts to set up while Ralsei draws in his notepad waiting for everyone to arrive.

10 minutes past and Susie and Asriel walk in, Ralsei says hello to them and they say hello back. The shop opened some people came and went, Ralsei continued drawing not looking at who came in.

After a while the others came into the shop, Lancer ran up like usual to get his doughnut.

Kris: Here you go Lancer.

Lancer: Yay! thank you!

Kris: All of you, we need to talk, i'll bring your doughnuts overs. Susie and Asriel go sit with them, you need to here this as well.

Asriel: Oh, ok.

Asriel and Susie go and sit down next to the others, Kris brings the doughnuts over and Ralsei goes and sits down with them as well.

Kris: There's so much that happened last night, I don't know how to start. Well I guess i'll start from the beginning, some voice appeared in my head last night. Telling me to tell you something is coming, something bigger than you and it could end you if you aren't careful.

Susie 2: What the hell.

Kris 2: Was that all it said?

Kris: Well it said it doesn't involve me, but just to tell you to be ready for the blood, the tears, because without warning it would killed you.

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