Chapter Eight

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We're driving up to the London Eye or the millennium wheel, depends on how you want to call it. The car stops in front of it. We get out, escorted by various man dressed in black suits with a earpiece in. They rush us forward to the millennium wheel, unlike Kacy I'm used to being put in random cars and places. Since the whole Jake thing there's a dude living in the trees close to my house, spying on the street to keep it all save. I sometimes bring him tea and cookies because I feel bad for him. I get into one of the cabins as they tell us too. Kacy gives a confused look, I shake my head lightly. After 4 years of being as close as sisters I don't know if she's afraid of heights. The food is served as the cabin slowly starts on its way around its track. I smile, this is an original date. Having dinner in the millennium wheel, I look at my plate and feel proud. Harry has remembered that I don't eat red meats or fish so on my plate is a chicken fillet and a bit more vegetables. We remain in silence for a few minutes. "This is pretty cool!" I say to break the silence. Harry smiles and gives Niall an I-Told-You-So look. This makes me laugh. Kacy looks pale, is she afraid of heights or just nervous. I can't pull her away to the bathroom here since it's just a cabin.

We eat dinner and the conversation is quiet, almost cold. I'm confused, this afternoon it was all still happy and loud. I figured bad news is on its way. Because it gets more silent every minute and we're getting closer to the ground again I say out loud "Just spill what Jake send.." I see two pair of eyes stare in my way and Kacy drops her fork. "Eh, well eh" Harry starts mumbling. "He knows we picked up Kacy and his pack figured we won't be around the next few days and send one of the boys to tell us that step one in destroying us will start tomorrow" Harry says looking at the ground. I sigh. They really are stupid, no way in denying that. "We'll be okay. I took classes every day in mixed martial arts the last few weeks. I'm actually talented my trainer tells me!" I say feeling proud. Now six eyes stare at me. "You took classes every day?" Harry says. "Yes, before school and after school! No way he can survive it when I hit back!" Harry shakes his head an mutters something under his breath.

We're dropped off at home and I kiss Harry goodbye and hug Niall. He smiles at me. Kacy just hugs them and quickly stands behind me. "I've my phone on, and I'll answer as soon as you call or text" Harry says stepping into the car giving me a warning look. I nod and wave. He drives home and I see a boy looking at us from the distance. I don't recognize him so I shrug and turn to go inside. In my room Kacy gets a fangirl moment and I join in. "Oh god I've actually been out with 2/5 of One Direction!" she says jumping around my room I laugh and make us drop on our beds on the ground. "Did you see how nice his shirt complimented his eyes?" I talk about Niall. "I know right! Le dead! I can't even" I start laughing and hug her. "But that Jake person, is he dangerous?" she suddenly asks. I sigh, this is not what I want to talk about but she should know. "Not really, he's in prison for another month and has a restraining order. He can't touch us.." I say. "But he is the master mind behind the woman abusing business he and his mates are into. He plans victims and everything." I say getting up to look outside my window. The boy is still there. Maybe he is lost. "Just a minute, I think someone is lost.. he still looks searching around. You can stay in here, make a list of things you want to do this week!" I tell her handing her paper and a pen. I put on my dark brown leather jacket and walk towards the boy.

"Hi.." I say. This makes him jump and stare at me. "Don't worry.. if you're lost I can tell you your way back?" I say as friendly as possible. I look into the blue grey eyes of the boy. "I'm.. not.. lost" he says seeming to have trouble with it. "Who are you looking for then?" I say. The boy is my age, only not that confident and mostly nervous. "You.." he says. This causes me to take a step back. "Why?" I ask him, my voice now turning into a harsh one. He looks at me and tears appear in his eyes. "Don't hurt me.." he says pleading dropping on his knees. I feel sorry for him so I offer him my hand and pull him up again. "As long as you don't do the same." I tell him, my voice still harsh. "Jake asked me to follow you and report everything you do.. " he says. "So you're one of Jake his mates?" I say feeling all my muscles tense. "Sort of.." he says scuffing his feet on the ground and looking at them. "Are you sure.. you seem a bit too breakable for it.." I say speaking my mind. "That's because I can't report you.." he says. "Why not? My life is already screwed up by him.. just do it.." I challenge him. "Because I saw you when you were with all those sick kids at the zoo, volunteering at the children's hospital. And you don't deserve this crap at all!" he says. I look him in the eyes. "So what will you do instead?" I ask him, sounding normal again. "There's been a massive shift in the group since Jake tried to shoot you. Most boys are with the police now, selling him out for all he has done." "Weren't they involved too?" "Not in the abusive behavior. He used most of us to get him girls. Only doing the challenging ones himself." the boy tells me. I shake my head in disbelieve. "What is your name?" I ask him. He's obviously caught off guard. "Andy" he says. I smile at him and extend my hand to him he takes it. "Diana" I say shaking his hand.

I wave Kacy goodbye at the airport, take one last picture together and try not to cry. I'll miss my friend so much. Everything was like it used to be. I give her a smile as she walks to the gate. I wait until her flight gives the boarding sign and leave for my train again. I get out at the stop in Jake's neighborhood, it's actually shorter to home than taking the stop in Harry's neighborhood. I walk with my head down and my headphones in down the road. As soon as I pass Jake his street I can't help but stare into the street. Clothes, mattresses and even closets are being thrown to the street. I walk up to it out of curiosity. "ANDY?!" I shout into the open doorway. I hear footsteps running down the stairs. Andy and the boy that told me I'll lose this game both stare at me. "Are you moving?" I ask. I feel really stupid now. Another mate of Jake joins them and looks confused. "How does she know your name?" he whispers to Andy. "I told her.." he says looking at me. "And yes, we're moving out.." he says. "I'm sorry to hear that.." I say feeling bad. I'm not even sure if those boys have a family to return to! "Why would it bother you" one of the close mates of Jake says harshly to me. "Because I'm not sure if you have a family to return to.. no one deserves to be alone and unhappy.." I say before even thinking about what it might cause. They look at me, I feel my hairs on my arms and in my neck stand up. A hand touches my shoulder.

"Good job Andy, you see you have skills. She feels sorry for you.." Jake says laughing. I'm trapped I feel so stupid and angry with myself right now, I look up to meet Andy his eyes.  "I didn't plan this.. and don't work with him anymore" he says pleading as soon as he sees the cold towards him return. "Now baby tell me, how are you doing without harry?" he says and he laughs loudly. I see Andy feeling really bad, this wasn't his attention. I turn around and look Jake in his eyes. "I'm good, I feel sorry for you though that your mates are selling you out to the cops!" I give Jake a arrogant look. "They're not.." he says looking at his former crew. "Look around.. " I tell him and laugh. I see him getting angry pushing me out of the way running towards his mate "FRANK, HOW CAN YOU NOT TELL ME THIS?!" he says almost choking Frank. Frank looks at me for help. I look at Andy who slowly starts making his way out of there. "Hey Jake, got to go!" I say turning around again. Within a second he has my wrist again. I'm getting really tired of this game, I give him an extremely bored look. He doesn't know what to say or do so he lets go. "We're not done.. I'll get you.. with or without my crew.." He says in my ear.

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