Chapter Five

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I'm restless, 10 more minutes have passed by and no text or call. I know it's one of the most stupid things to do but I run downstairs, pull on my jacket, lock the door and start running. My condition improves from all the running I have done in the past few days. After 10 minutes I reach the crossing and run to the street of Harry's house. I don't have to run further because I found him. Along with Jake, and four of Jake's mates. A lump forms in my throat and I feel my heart pounding in my head. I realize I'm out of breath so I breath in a big amount of air and let it spread through my body before I breath out. I hear my footsteps make an echo in the silent street. At first they pay no attention to me, until I came that close Jake notices me. He looks at me and his face turns into one with amusement covered with evil. I decide to come closer, I only know my friends now for a week but they're mine and no one has the right to even make them scared.

"Aw! You're not scared anymore!" Jake says giving Harry a teasing look. "Nope." I say with a voice I couldn't have cared less. "Isn't the cute?" another of the boys says. "Yes Frank she is. Perfect material for our next try.." Jake replies to the boy and my stomach starts turning. Don't back off now I tell myself. "Come, why don't you give me a hug?" Jake says extending his arms to me. I smile, they assume it is because it makes me feel comfortable, my smile isn't based on that. It's based on the fact that they won't see my plan coming. I take a few steps forward and Harry's arms are being grabbed and he is held by three people with one making sure no one comes an inch closer to Jake. I hug Jake and the thing they all didn't except happened. I lift up my knee with a lot of speed and strength. Jake moans and falls on the ground, close to crying. "You really thought I liked you?" I say laughing out loud. The boys let Harry go and rush to Jake who gets up and says "I like playing games. You'll be mine as soon as you're out of reach from Harry." giving me a look. I'm surprised they don't hurt me back, I take a stand next to Harry.

*Harry's POV*

I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, this is already the fourth time it does that. I don't look at it, Jake and his mates are trying to talk me into giving them Diana. I resist with all I have, I don't want to lose her. They try and make arrangements with me but the more I turn down, the angrier they get.

I hear footsteps running closer to us, there's a brief pause and they come closer again. This time the person walks. A few meters away from us I recognize it's Diana. Panic attacks me, there's no way I can keep her save now. They're with 5 and I'm on my own, I'm simply out numbered. She walks up to us and I hear Jake says to her "Aw! You're not scared anymore" giving me a nasty look that tells me he'll try something. I keep calm, but for Diana's sake. He has a conversation with his friends and then asks Diana if she'd come and hug him. I feel my heart sink to my shoes because his friends grab my arms and make sure I can't go to her if she'd need my help. They'd make me stand and watch how he will hurt her. She hugs him and kicks him in his male parts. Jake lets her go and drops to the ground. I have to laugh of the happy look on her face. She laughs at Jake for really thinking she'd like him. He tells her he'd get her as soon as I'm gone. She walks over to me softly pulling on the sleeve of my jacket. I'm relieved she's here, but I realize I've to get her home again. Sometimes I wish she wouldn't worry about me. Jake and his mates give me a nasty look and walk into their house, Jake is hobbling to his house.

*Diana's POV*

"Come, you've to go home.." Harry says pleading to me. I'm still astonished with my success, I did hurt Jake. No one really knows that I've once taken a  bit of karate lessons for our PE assignment a few years ago. I decide it might be time to pick it up again because I've looked at Harry's tour schedule and it will start again in the beginning of March. At that point, I'm on my own and won't have him around. Harry opens the car door, I see he was stopped on his way on here by the way the car is parked. He drives to my house and stops before the driveway. "You shouldn't worry about me that easy." Harry tells me. I look down and nod. "Goodnight!" Harry says smiling and patting my hand. "Goodnight" I tell him still looking down. I can tell he's a bit mad at me for going to his house alone again.

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