Chapter Four

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I wake up and stretch my legs. I'm in a bed, but I can't remember going to bed. I get up and walk around the room, I see a tall mirror in front of me. My hair is messy and I'm wearing a white t-shirt with a V-neck and some red checkered boxer short, but not the tight type of boxer short. I walk into the upstairs hallway. It's quiet in Harry's house. I look for a hair brush or a comb. I brush my hair and teeth. I feel my feet getting cold on the tile floor. Every step I make I hear my bare foot making a little noise on the tiles. It's really quiet when you can hear yourself walking around. I walk downstairs and the wooden floor feels less cold to my feet as the stone tiles did. "Harry?" I ask. No response. I checked the entire house: no note, no text, no harry. I look in the fridge to see what I can have for breakfast. Mostly meat to put on your bread. I make a face and see a box of cereal. Cereal it is, I see he only has milk. I only eat cereal with yoghurt. So I eat only the cereal and sit and wait on the sofa for him to return. After 20 minutes I start feeling really cold so I walk upstairs to his bed room and pick out a sweater and some jeans. His waist is is bigger than mine and his legs longer but I don't care. It's already 2 pm in the afternoon as Harry returns. He smiles and walks immediately upstairs. He walks down again and hand me my own clothes. "There you go, you look quite good in my clothes but yours look better on you." he says winking at me. I change in the bathroom and give Harry his clothes back. He smiles and then something hits his mind. "Why have you waited here?" he asks I see the confusion in his eyes. "Because otherwise you might feel bad or worried that I left.." I say softly. He puts his arms around me. "Come, I'll drive you home." He says opening the door to the hallway for me.

Harry pulls up to our drive way, my dad's car isn't on it. Oh I remember it's Saturday and my little brother will have a soccer tournament today. I get out of the car and ask Harry "Would you like to come in?" as soon as I asked I look at the ground. He walks with me to the front door and locks his car. "I'M HOME!" I shout into the house. No response. What does everyone has with leaving me alone! I shrug and walk into the living room followed by Harry. A note is on the table "I'm at the neighbors'' xx mom" I roll my eyes and give Harry something to drink. "Let's go upstairs" I say guiding him to the staircase. I want to take the first step of the stairs as my foot stays stuck behind it, causing me to spill my drink over me and Harry grabbing my forearm. I spilled nothing on the floor or the stairs so I don't need to clean, we walk towards my room. Then I remember the only things unpacked are my bed, school stuff and some clothes. My walls aren't even decorated yet! I suddenly feel ashamed. Harry notices and ask "What is it?" "Eh, I just remembered my room isn't even decorated yet.." looking at my socks. "That's okay, I can help?" he offers. I smile and open my door. The paint, wallpaper and covers are ready.

Harry and I work together on moving the furniture. I mix the glue for the wallpaper as Harry starts working on painting the window frame, doorframe and the plinth. After the glue is ready we start hanging up the wallpaper. I hear my mom come home and she opens my door. "You're back!" I say happily. She tells me she is downstairs with some of the neighbors and I shrug. Couldn't have cared less about our neighbors. They're quite noisy at night. We've done every wall with the wall paper as we move onto rebuilding my closet. We're only halfway as my mum calls us downstairs for dinner. Harry sits next to me at the table as my little brother keeps on talking about how great he did at the tournament. I sigh and filter out the noise of him talking. I eat my plate in silence. It's only a matter of time before our schoolwork will be disguised, my dad yelling at my brother about having to try harder. As I predicted, it starts during desert. I drop my spoon and walk away from the table, having four people stare at me. No one knows that the sound of my dad being mad, the arguing is one of the reasons I can't sleep at night. It makes me want to hide and hate family dinners.

I run upstairs and slam my door behind me, after a few minutes Harry and my mom come into my room. Followed by my dad and little brother. They see me in tears, my mum starts rubbing my back and my dad patting my shoulder. "Can you leave?" I ask them sounding quite mad. My dad and little brother walk out of the room with Harry. "What is it?" my mum asks me. I take a deep breath and tell her how I feel. "I just hate it when they fight, it makes me scared that our family will fall apart!" I say sobbing. "That won't happen." my dad assures me. They smile at me and leave me and Harry alone in my room.

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