Chapter Six

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*Harry's POV*

I hear another shot and glass breaking. The window Diana was sitting in and the window shatters to a million pieces with her falling forward and covering her head. She drops into the ground we all yell her name at the same time and run to her. I wipe the glass of her head and back and lift her over my shoulder. She's not bleeding anywhere, I tell Isa what happened and tell her to stay away from windows in the next few days. Leaving Jake standing in the garden with his gun. He gives us a nasty look and makes a sign to the other girls. Zayn, Louis and Liam look at me mad. I swear I didn't see this coming. How did he get the gun anyway?! I run outside to meet him, the moment I reach him I hit him with my fist with all the strength and anger I have in me. His head moves by the force that I made appear on his cheek. He laughs and says "This is only the beginning.. you really thought moving away would solve it? I've now a ton more ways to break you" and Jake laughs evil. Because of the glass being broken our alarm system goes off and police and Paul arrive at the house within 3 minutes as I still stand there with him laughing evil, he is still armed. The police take them with him, Jake doesn't even struggle and Paul has a look at Diana. "She'll be fine.. but we need more security around here. She even might need to move in here if he won't be send to jail for this.. just for her safety." Paul tells me. A few minutes after we set her down on the sofa, she recovers from her fainting.

*Diana's POV*

I wake up from my faint and remember falling to the ground. In a panic I start feeling to my head and my back. Everything feels normal so I almost believe I dreamt it. I look at the window and it's shattered. People cleaning it up and repairing the window. And what an awful ringing noise is in the room I look around to see the source. "It's the alarm" a unknown man tells me. "I'm Paul, Diana you'll be send home with instructions and we will tell your parents what happened" I'm still a bit absent minded from what just happened that I just nod. The man pulls my arm and takes me upstairs. "This is your room, clothes and your school stuff will be arranged." He tells me. He shows me through the rest of the room. Still pulling me along by my forearm. I hear the boys arguing from down stairs. I immediately start to feel bad. This is all my fault, I got into trouble the first place and run into Harry who brought it upon himself to protect me from that moment on. My sadness feels so overwhelming that I start to feel really sick. I'm being driven home and Paul explains it all to my mum and dad while I lay in my bed and cry my eyes out.

A knock on the door happens I look up and am startled. My mum walks in with a plate food and something to drink. I left through dinner. "Mum, I feel so bad" I start crying again. My dad comes in and comforts me. "We'll tell school what happened today, you can stay home for a few days" they say while patting my back. I sigh. They leave my room and I eat my dinner. I pick up my phone, remembering I didn't say goodbye to everyone and see 6 missed calls and 15 messages. "crap" I mumble and look trough the messages first. "MUM!" I yell down the stairs and my mum runs to me I show her the message Matt send me "flat tire, can dad come to pick me up?" send 5 minutes ago. My dad drives away in his car to pick up my little brother and his bicycle with the flat tire. I walk to my room again and look at the rest most are from Isa, Jane and Kim asking if I'm okay. I reply I'm fine and just fell asleep. I look at the rest, all from Harry. I reply to him that I'm sorry that I left so sudden. I tell him I started to feel sick and Paul drove me home. "It's okay, it's the stress! sleep well! .xx" I get as reply almost as an instant.

The next day I stay home from school, I lay in my bed all day and some person stops by to talk to me about what happened. I have a conversation with her, she leaves and I pick up my laptop from my desk. I start to Google. "Harry Styles + Yesterday" I type in and press enter. I hold my breath at how many hits it got. I read everywhere about the window being shot to pieces. I also get to see him pictured with other girls than me, walking around with him in town. Some even claiming he is their boyfriend. No where I can find a picture of me. Somehow I relieved at the same time it upsets me. I rub in my eyes with my fingers and decide to pack my bags. It's all too much and I can't deal with it.

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