Chapter Three

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I'm looking at the nightwear section for a new pajama, the one I have for the summer got thrown away because of the moving to London. "You attract weirdo's.." Jane whispers when she stands next to me. "Huh? What?" I ask her confused. "Well, those 3 boys that entered Kim says they chased you down.. and the other 5, one of them is Harry.." she whispers. "yeah, the 3 boys are creeps.." I reply to her. "Harry is too?" Jane says, her voice is colored with a hint of annoyance. "why?" I ask confused. To me he is a perfect gentlemen, somehow a bit scary that he knows how to find me but never mind. "You don't know because you're new here but.." she wants to finish her sentence as Kim joins us. "Jan says he only dates shy girls because they're easy to get.." Kim fills in. My stomach starts turning, what if he is doing all this just so he knows he'll have a lady at night? My hands start shaking and my lower lip starts trembling, I feel tears sting in my eyes and everything becomes a blur. How could I have been so stupid and blind. This does explain a lot of his activities on finding out where I stay. Kim and Jane hug me and Jane says "It'll be alright, just turn him down from now on." And pulls my arm to the changing cabins. I try on the summer pajama as I walk out to show the girls I see Harry leaning against the wall with a cheeky look in his face. I turn my head away from him looking at my friends, they nod and smile. I feel really awkward standing here in my short pajama's with a boy around that apparently only likes me because I'm not that confident around boys. I feel the tears coming back again and rush back into the cabin. I hear my phone vibrating in my backpack so I pick it up and open the text message. "You look cute ;-) .x" the message says. I feel my knees getting week and I sit down on the floor. My friends notice and rush inside. "You're not fainting right?" Kim says worried. I look up in her brown eyes and shake my head.

After the shopping trip I take the train home and get out on the right stop again, this time knowing my way back. Even in the dark! I feel so proud I remembered that I start walking without paying attention. Harry pulls my arm and pulls me into a alley with his hand covering my mouth. I struggle and try to get myself away from there. "Calm down, it's me" Harry says confused. I turn around and look into his green eyes. "What is wrong? You seemed to be upset after the boys that chased you down left.." he says trying to understand my expression. "Well just leave me alone! I don't want to be the next girl you only sleep with because you want girls that will be easy to get!" I shout at him. He looks hurt and confused. "Who told you that?" he asks, his voice changing into anger. I gulp and take a few steps back only to hit my back against the wall. "Someone in school did.." I tell him. "I'm not like that!" he shouts back at me. "Well.. how do you explain the fact that you appear every time I struggle?" He looks down and whispers "It's because I lost a girlfriend, I wasn't around to protect her.." I see the pain covering his face. "Do you know the other boys?" I say still mad with him. "Yes, they're in this gang and they pick out girls wandering alone in the dark.. usually they abuse the girl and dump her in a forest or in a park afterwards.." I hear that he is still angry. "How do you know them?" I ask confused. Now Harry walks away and leaves me standing there. I run after him but the locks the car doors behind him and drives away. I can't help but start sobbing. I hate to admit it, but I do feel saver with him around.

I walk home alone and I do feel scared. All the noises from the street and people talking suddenly seem to be threatening. I start running home, I run towards the front door unlock it and run upstairs to drop off my bags. Then I splash some ice cold water into my face to get rid of the redness caused by the running and my tears. I hear a car stop in front of our house, I make a run for the window. I really hoped it is Harry, I'd tell him that I'm sorry and I don't really believe what Jane and Kim told me. But it's just my dad's colleagues that come and eat dinner here tonight. I slowly walk down stairs and sit at the table. "Daddy, when will my bicycle be here?" I ask my dad. "Next week you'll have it." He replies and sets out his whisky collection for his colleagues to taste. I eat my dinner in silence and go upstairs. Still no messages on my phone. What if he doesn't care about me anymore? I feel the tears coming back so I put on my black skinny jeans, my boots and my dark brown fake leather jacket and tell my mom I'll be out with friends tonight.

The crossing where I lost my way the first day of school appears a few steps away from me, I take a deep breath and take a left at the crossing. I walk down the street where I was being followed last time and look around. There's no one on the street, because my night vision isn't that great I miss the detail that my followers are smoking in the dark small alley I just passed. I walk towards Harry's house and ring the doorbell. No response. The leader stand behind me in no time. "He's not home" he says and I hear his evil chuckle really close to my ear. I jump up and try to run, he is stronger and taller than I am so he takes my arm. He tries to pull me along but with my free arm I grab everything that on our path to slow him down. I hear a heavy car coming close to our street and decide to scream. A hand covers my mouth and also closes my nose, this causes a little panic in my head. If this takes too long I might die because I'm suffocated! I decide to open my mouth again but this time bite his hand he lets me go for a split second so I take a run for it, into Harry's garden and hide in the bushes. I'm laying on my belly with branches covering me. I hear him curse and Harry's voice. "Why are you in my garden?!" Harry asks and I hear his voice is filled with anger. I decide to stay down and try not to move. I hear the heavy footsteps of the leader fade in the distance and hear footsteps on the gravel of his driveway. When all sounds are gone I get up and get all the dirt of my clothes, I walk back to the grass where I bump into Harry.

I look up so see his face, he looks mad and certainly not amused. "Next time you hide, pull your legs up" he says and turns around. I sometimes forget I grew 40 centimeters in two years time and that I'm not that small anymore. "Wait." my voice sounds like I'm about to cry. Harry turns around and looks at my face. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier.." and I can't hold my tears anymore so I start crying. He walks to me and pulls my wrist. He leads me into his kitchen, lifts me up and places me next to the sink. I look down at my knees, I'm still covered in dirt. Harry puts a towel under the streaming water and wipes the dirt of my face. All this time in silence. "I'm really sorry, it's just a fear of mine that people don't really like me and just use me" I say and my voice is killed my sadness. His eyes meet mine, he lifts me down again. "Do your parents know you're here?" he asks. "No, I just told them I'm out to go to a friend's house" I say feeling really stupid now. He shakes his head in disapproval and calls my mum to tell her that I'm staying here tonight. My mum is okay with it, my parents like Harry. "Come on, you should take a shower. Unless you want the ants to get into your hair and clothes. He leads me upstairs and gives me a towel and some other clothes. I shower really quick and change clothes. I wander around upstairs until I find Harry, he's making a bed ready in his spare room. The floor creeks and he turns around and looks at me and then laughs. "You could pull of the tomboy look" his hands extended to my clothes covered in dirt. I follow him as he places them in the washing machine. "Can I ask something?" my voice trembles. "Sure." he replies. "Are you still mad at me?" I say and hear the sadness in my voice. "Not as much as I did this afternoon" he says while walking down the stairs.

"But to answer your question, I do know them and that because I used to join them" he says. I can see he is ashamed. "Not anymore right?" I asks being really careful to not sound upset. "True, I stopped when they started abusing girls, I just can't do that" Harry says meeting my eyes. I feel relieve getting over me. But why did Jane and Kim say those things. I decide to ask them tomorrow, when I get back home. I yawn and Harry laughs. "I was really scared when I walked home alone" I admit out of nothing. He laughs and says "I know, but you got home safely." "That's obvious.." I tell him. This makes him laugh. "No, I know because I checked on you. I drove around the other way and parked my car at the other end of the street and watched you running home, when you were home I left again" he says with a cheeky smile. I do feel relieved that he watches over me, even after him being really angry with me.

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