What am I looking at?

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After a night at my moms house I went out and drove down to the little coffee shop. I barely ever go to my moms house because she lives so far away. But I needed to get away. I wasn't planning on going home and my mom understood and let me stay. He never even texted me.. I was relaxed cause I knew I wouldn't see Chris. Out of town random coffee shop. I parked right out front and looked both ways before getting out.
While looking left I saw a car exactly like Chris's. But it couldn't be. I was so excited to get that warm hazelnut coffee on my tastebuds. I walked in and ordered.
"Hi tall hazelnut latte please thanks."
"Ok that will be $2.90 also your name please"
"Courtney." (Yes that's her name!!)
It wasn't to crowded which was good I walked around the corner to use the bathrooms there were a few more tables back there. In the corner of my eye I saw this really cute couple in the corner the gurl had a messy bun and they were holding hands and looking out the widow. It was a tumbler picture for sure!
"Courtney your Hazelnut Latte is ready" I was so excited! After I got it I grabbed the sleeve and moved out of the way cause someone was coming.
"Chris I have your White mocha steamer" I looked up and there he was....
"Courtney hey, baby, I'm sorry about last night I was about to text you." I knew he was lying but I needed to know one thing
"What are you doing here?"
"Just getting some coffee" he faked grinned
"Chris we have over 10 coffee shops near our apartment why did you chose the coffee shops that's 2 hours away?" I was mad
"Cause this one is the best. Can't I just have some coffee?"
"Yes you can but your not." I got him trapped him
"What do you mean"
"You have a white mocha steamer" *under breath*gay"
"Well this sounded really good to me it's not gay. It good"
"Hey whats taking so lon-?" Someone peaked around his corner and I dropped my coffee.

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