Excursion (M)

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Friday came faster than expected and it was only a few hours until the fresh couple had to make their way to the forest cabin. They found out that the class trip would take place in a remote forest which was quite popular for relaxing and recovering.

"I can't believe that, within a few hours, you turned your room into a whole battlefield." The smaller of the two stood speechless amid the chaos.

"If you had accepted my help in packing, we would have been done and on our way a long time ago." Wooyoung reminded San.

"Can you please stop nagging? If you have a problem with the way I'm packing then you can go downstairs and wait inside the car until I'm finished." San was slightly annoyed.

"I didn't get to help you pack either!" San added.

"Yes, because I packed my suitcase two days ago and now I don't have to rush through my messy room to find everything and hope that I don't forget anything." San suddenly stopped, slowly turned to Wooyoung and stared at him with a glare.

"Okay. I'll keep my mouth shut. I'm going to have a cup of water to drink, let your parents know we're leaving soon, and then I'll wait for you in the car." San turned back around and Wooyoung left his boyfriends room to get downstairs, grabbing something off of the shelf.

In fact, San didn't need much longer. Just as Wooyoung opened the car door, the older came through the front door to join him outside with his parents in tow.

"Please drive slowly and obey the traffic laws!" San's mother straightened her son's sweater hood, who gently removed her shortly after.

"Do you have everything packed? Underwear for enough days? Warm clothes? Jacket? Enough pants? Enough money? Credit card?" San's mother rattled off all the important factors she had in mind.

"Honey, our son is 20, he has to take care of himself now." San's father laughed and enlightened his wife.

"You can never be too sure. I know he would forget something if i wouldn't ask him." She replied and stood next to her husband, who hugged her from behind.

"We're leaving then!" San said goodbye and so did Wooyoung. They both got into the car with Wooyoung on the passenger side when San's mother came up to his window again.

"Take some more tissues with you. If you catch a cold you don't have to worry, and drop us a quick text when you arrive!" She handed them the tissues and stepped back from the car after getting an okay and let the two boys drive off.

The trip to the forest cabin would take four and a half hours. San and Wooyoung promised to take turns at the wheel. Wooyoung would never allow San to drive the whole way alone if there was a passenger in the car who was capable of driving.

So that's what they did, after a little over two hours the two stopped at a rest stop and switched with Wooyoung now at the wheel. He put on his glasses and drove off the rest area.

 He put on his glasses and drove off the rest area

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