Friends with benefits

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On their way home, both behaved relatively calm. Wooyoung was swollen and sore and had used the ointment after all. Still, surprisingly, he was doing very well.

Before San brought Wooyoung home, they stopped in the park and stayed there on the bench for half an hour. They had to talk this out, even if neither of them really wanted to.

"Will this hinder our friendship if we carry on like yesterday?" Wooyoung was scared. Sure, he liked what they did but risking this precious friendship with him was not what he wanted.

"To be honest. I don't think so. We are both adults, are mature enough to know when something is going too far. We're both single at the moment, we both enjoyed it so why shouldn't we at least have some fun together? We don't have to tell anyone.

"Are we fuckbuddies now? Friends with benefits with no strings attached?" Wooyoung whispered as someone passed them.

"Friends with benefits rather than fuckbuddies! Sounds better!" San looked at the smaller beside him.

"Does that mean when I'm in the mood to do the dirty, I can always come to you and vice versa?" Wooyoung asked if he he understood correctly.

"Yes that's right. But that doesn't mean that we can't meet other people too. Remember, no strings attached!" San said altough he didn't really like the thought of it.

"Shall we move on? Not that your parents wonder where you are." San mumbled, actually not wanting to separate from Wooyoung.

"Oh, don't worry. You know they don't care!" Wooyoung smiled but stood up to go home. They had to prepare for college and would see each other on Monday either way as they were driving there together.

Shortly after San dropped him off at home, he met his mother inside.

"Well my big boy, were you nice and good at San's house?" His mother questioned but Wooyoung tried to brush her off by walking past her.

He almost forgot that they had told their parents that they would be staying at the other's place. Which of course wasn't true, but nobody had to find out. Both were old enough, after all.

His first time left traces and he was now feeling the extent of it, feeling totally exhausted and drained. Wooyoung was already standing with both feet in his own room and was ready to throw himself into his comfy bed when his mothers voice stopped him.

"Wooyoung-ah, can you go pick up Kyungminnie from kindergarten? I have a very important appointment in twenty minutes and your father is stuck in traffic." Wooyoung's mother asked, but it wasn't really a yes no question. It was more of an order. He knew.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, but concluded his thought of his soft bed and painkillers, which he both really needed right now. With every step he took, his hip ached all the more. He knew that the first time always hurt, but with painkillers it would have been way more bearable.

Without taking painkillers, he went on the inevitable way to pick up his brother from kindergarten. He could only hope that he would get there at all.

Had he had his father's car he would have been there within 5 minutes. Without it, it took him a full 40 minutes to get there. After walking for half an hour, he felt his phone vibrate and fished it out of his pocket.

Hey, how are you feeling?

Just wanted to check in on you!

Can you call me!
Can't write properly.

Sanshine would like to facetime...
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Friends with benefits? No strings attached? - woosanWhere stories live. Discover now