The devil herself (M)

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On the morning of day x, San was already in a bad mood. He had to be on guard so that Mina would not play any games with him. He had to be very careful. He turned around and looked at Wooyoung, who was still lying next to him and deep in dreamland, San could tell because his upper lip twitched slightly. He always did this when he was dreaming. An indicator that he could not expect Wooyoung to wake up in the next half an hour or so.

San reached for his phone and looked at the time. It was already shortly before nine in the morning. He sighed. He didn't really feel like spending the day with Mina. He really shied away from it, but he had to do it for Wooyoung, so that the little nag wouldn't spill their secret.

Inevitably, San got up, took a shower and got ready. Dates for San usually meant dressing up fancy and earthly, but not for this one. San cared zero about how he looked, he just didn't want to care. Apart from the fact that he didn't have any fancy clothes with him anyway. He saw going out with Mina as a chore, just like writing an exam in your most hated subject was a chore.

He wore a jacket with a simple white shirt underneath and some black jeans.

They only had three days left of their stay in the cabin in the woods and one of those days he had to spend with Mina

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They only had three days left of their stay in the cabin in the woods and one of those days he had to spend with Mina. A waste of time, San thought.

When he came out of the bathroom, Wooyoung was still completely tangled in the blanket, fast asleep. For a brief moment, San considered if he should let him continue to sleep and just start the day, or if he should wake him up briefly and at least make the morning pleasant in some way.

He opted for the latter.

His fingers found the other's hand under the blanket and pulled it out from underneath. He kissed Wooyoung's hand twice and looked at his face. No movement. A slight smile appeared on San's lips. Getting out of bed in the morning was a disaster for Wooyoung. Morning person and Wooyoung were seldom found in one sentence.

San resorted to the harsher measure. He got into bed and spread many kisses on Wooyoung's face, his eyes, cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. Wooyoung squirmed under him and tried to push away from San, which was not as easy as he had thought because the older had encircled him with his hands on the bed.

"San, stop it. I'm awake!" Wooyoung started laughing when San begann to tickle him between the ribs.

The two stared lovingly at each other until San leaned down with plans to give Wooyoung a good morning kiss.

However, instead of meeting Wooyoung's tender lips, he felt knuckles on his lips. Astonished, he opened his closed eyes and saw that Wooyoung had covered his own mouth, which prevented their lips from touching and kissing.

San raised his head and looked at him in confusion.

"I havnt brushd my teeth yet!" Wooyoung tried to speak through his hand.

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